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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Hahahha, suck it! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-perdue/u-s-agriculture-chief-says-no-plan-to-extend-farm-aid-to-offset-tariffs-idUSKCN1N32JW
  2. Scientists Confirm China as Major Source of Banned Ozone-Depleting Chemicals https://e360.yale.edu/digest/scientists-confirm-china-as-major-source-of-banned-ozone-depleting-chemicals
  3. Why I prefaced as serious question. I don’t know the law market
  4. Being a constitutional lawyer doesn’t bring in the clients. I don’t see many law firms want to hire someone who burned so many political bridges. Maybe Jones Day but they are tied to the whole Republican Party so not sure there either
  5. hoping this is sarcasm
  6. Serious question. Who would actually hire Cruz if he lost? He didn’t build in long term favors in the senate and lacks ability to run for president again.
  7. Has even Kanye abandoned Trump?!!!
  8. +1
  9. I dated a Jewish girl in college. She had jewbies, and they were spectacular. Wait, what were we talking about again? You can't fake jewbies so I am against Jews for Jesus.
  10. You are trying to legitimize a racist policy that solves a problem that isn't an issue. It is news cycle fodder as you say and only reinforces Trump's racist base. By trying to legitimize this policy, you are enabling racist.
  11. Also increased tax incentives for having additional children
  12. Also, those countries have a lot higher taxes and social support system. Do you support their policy of high taxes?
  13. Assuming you are an accountant then? My last two bosses were vocal Trump supporters. Trump's policies have destroyed our industry and ability to grow. People despite their supposed brilliance vote / donate against their economic best interest all the time usually without their realization.
  14. I bought GE around $12. Sum of parts analysis was compelling but will be a hold play for a while as they go through restructuring.
  15. Private capital isn't the same as public capital. This appears rambling and unrelated. US including State infrastructure abyssal condition is a direct result of Republican policy not to fund and maintain public infrastructure. Don't give me state examples because a large majority of infrastructure capital comes from the Federal government.
  16. You mean the party that has embraced the following political rhetoric http://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/kkk-flyers-found-in-metro-atlanta-neighborhood Trump hasn't endangered Republicans but shown who they really are without cover of dog whistling.
  17. Next they will have token bleks
  18. Filling in for @Brisketexan the administration hates brown and poor people
  19. I keep lubricated with my libural tears
  20. More data tax cuts weren't needed and harmful. https://www.ft.com/content/e9bccd00-db98-11e8-8f50-cbae5495d92b
  21. I'm waiting for $1,400.
  22. Was one of the most crowded trades so assume every hedge fund is selling down.
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