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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Word on da street is that Softbanks Vision 2 fund will fall apart as a result of the this event. While the US cedes it’s global role, the world can still do what is right despite us. Softbanks first vision fund was $100b with $400 coming from KSA Mckinsey has now been implicated too
  2. We are neighbors 😀 i thought about posting a picture of it
  3. Going to seats on T15
  4. Interest rates are still very low so while raising interest rates will dampen spending let's not delude people that money is tight. A proof point of this is that Private Equity multiples for M&A is at historical highs. For oil, volatility sucks but unless you are an airline or oil is a major COGs of your business then I don't think it has a huge impact. If we were looking at oil above $100 then I would have more concern about broader economy and market impact. When people raise concern about the slowing global economy, remember the US especially the consumer drives a big %. I'd expect to see a lot of tech IPOs come to market in 2019 unless there is a significant global event / market correction.
  5. AmEx tops profit estimates on higher consumer spending https://www.reuters.com/article/us-american-express-results/amex-tops-profit-estimates-on-higher-consumer-spending-idUSKCN1MS31V
  6. ?? Large financial crisis?? Seems like the market is taking a short-term pull back due to profit taking. US economy is still humming along with positive data including rising wages. The only negatives are geo-political (e.g. trade war and instability in foreign markets). This has been a hated rally but earnings continue to be to the upside.
  7. 1234 - Same with coffee as I usually tip $1 if given a paper copy to sign
  8. And the Apple haters said the watch was useless, gimmick of a device. I bet the heart rate data would have some interesting data!
  9. Healthcare and immigration are the top issues for Hispanic voters.
  10. No issues with youporn
  11. Ted, I’m a son of a woman. I am human not an alien in a human suit
  12. I feel sexually assaulted having watched Cruz for the past hour
  13. Talking down the moderator who probably is sympathetic to Cruz can’t be good
  14. The female moderator is good
  15. Whole crowd laughed at Beto zinger on Cruz partisan behavior
  16. Beto has had some good zingers but was poor delivery
  17. Ted is for Ted Cruz not Texas
  18. Cruz is scared He is playing into being a slime ball to his detriment
  19. Big tech. Republicans want to end monopolistic power
  20. Livestream available on CBSN
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