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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. I’ll vote for house and senate but not for potential president Biden
  2. Unpopular opinion time, but I won’t vote for ol Joe and will sit out if he gets the D nomination. With Joe, we will get Republican lite policy for the next 10+ yrs allowing the stacking of the courts, anti-lgbt policy, pro-corporatism, etc. Without systematic change, we are enable Rs to destroy our republic and ol Joe thinks that is ok because he has friends across the aisle. With ol Joe: Maybe we just won’t put as many kids in cages, have only a couple endless wars, slightly raped by corporate America, or slowly continue to gut the middle class. Let’s be clear that ol Joe represents the same bad R policies but just a less extreme version of them.
  3. Or we could encourage development and density in cities and not have a tax policy that treats homes as an asset class instead of a basic human need.
  4. Yes, I also have lots of feelings and thoughts without any data to support my pre-disposed view.
  5. If you do any research, we are struggling to have any real meaningful inflation. Yes in a hypothetical wage increases will result in inflation but we are where near that point.
  6. Exactly this. Studies have shown positive economic benefits of increasing min wage. Right wing funded interest group promulgates lies to further their ideological agenda trying to create a debate on the topic when there shouldn’t be any.
  7. Lulz, Lizzy was right again. fox isn’t going to let you correct the record and will just interrupt when you point out that fox is part of the problem.
  8. Mitch’s wife is tied to the Chinese government.
  9. The FAA abdicated responsibility and the industry had moved towards self regulation.
  10. *heads explode*
  11. WaPo got that wrong
  12. https://futurism.com/google-future-china-internet The World of the Future Will Have Two Separate Internets, Former Google CEO Predicts One for China, one for everyone else
  13. If we can’t get Iran war, let’s go to Latin America!
  14. Too great not to watch
  15. Is it trump’s war? Schumer asks government to probe rail tech from China https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-trains-crrc/schumer-asks-government-to-probe-rail-tech-from-china-idUSKCN1SP0TQ
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