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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Deporting military kids due to paper work snafu
  2. BENJAMIN WITTES is the editor in chief of Lawfare and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/why-i-wouldnt-confirm-brett-kavanaugh/571936/
  3. Not rich shaming but shaming for gross tax fraud and illegal behavior to the detriment of the American people and workers. He is a case study of why we need a progressive estate tax.
  4. Unless they chalk it up to FAKE NEWS
  5. Costco is at $14 so this is a big deal.
  6. Not completely fucking up is now the bar for #winning?
  7. Someone should tell the libtards that 11 years olds can't vote
  8. Actually, it is a bad deal because if we had stayed in TPP then the rules would apply more broadly.
  9. At the local community meeting with mayoral and city council candidates. #TeamLaura Skidmore seems sane compared to Kathie Tovo
  10. Could have been worse imo but losing chairman role is a big deal.
  11. worse case is barred from being a director of a public company.
  12. Another week of Kavanaugh news is going to be rough on R re-election polling.
  13. Kavanaugh has now shame and won't withdraw unless told to do so.
  14. Flake looks shook.
  15. Board has come out with a strong statement of full support of Elon. Looks like Tesla is taking the Mark Cuban approach to go on the offensive against the SEC. Difference is that Elon has two companies to run which will cause a huge distraction given both companies are very much controlled by Elon
  16. I prefer better quality food / drinks over price. Was at Cover 3 for the Maryland game and enjoyed it. https://yelp.to/qTKq/okf3mnClzQ
  17. His behavior reinforces his lack of respect for women.
  18. Mansplaining a senator!!
  19. Republicans claiming no sense of decency is ironic.
  20. not sure that is the meaning of devil's triangle
  21. Poor, privileged white men!!
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