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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. "I'M INNOCENT!"
  2. Not sure if this could have gone worse for Republicans.
  3. this is a trial and an abomination.
  4. The other major barrier is down payment.
  5. Knew a very senior level executive who left right before they declared bankruptcy for a mid-level role at Amazon. I think that says it all about the stability of the company.
  6. https://9to5google.com/2018/04/25/how-to-switch-classic-gmail-android-basics/
  7. Highlights the gross incompetence of this administration
  8. Lulz, the federalist. The same group that screened Kavanaugh
  9. expand for any elected official
  10. Actually, it is better for the dems this election cycle if this story continues and ultimately a failed vote. Given the trajectory, I'd bet this continues to be a story until at least end of this week where either he will be confirmed or a vote fails on the floor.
  11. Johnny Sack has been triggered and seems like a rape apologist
  12. He is sucking down so much of Trump's shit that he is starting to look like Dotard.
  13. We should be for paying livable wages for all public sector employees and not trying to pit them against each other. I am against one-off propositions for x group wage increase. Either we believe public sectors should be paid competitively or not. It shouldn't be pay at the expense of another public sector group.
  14. Why does everyone believe Collins is on the fence? Every action by her indicates she will vote yes but wants to pretend to be on the fence. Only more damaging information is going to come out imo.
  15. I am not for privatizing the fire department but stating that if pay is too low that they have the right to go get another job.
  16. Free market. Go work in the private sector.
  17. Likely the Trump administration was the anonymous source so the administration is the one lying. Agree that the press is being played.
  18. Republicans are going all in on this nomination. Either Kavanaugh will be confirmed no matter what facts come out or a vote is forced to penalize swing state R and Ds for not supporting. This seems to be a terrible strategy but forces party loyalty in that it shows that R leadership is ready to light the house on fire if need be.
  19. Unless you appoint supreme court justice that believe finance campaign laws are a restriction of the 1st amendment...
  20. I don't see a large sell off because the tariffs aren't drastic (only 10% not 25%) and only a percent of our total trade with China. If we did a Brexit with NAFTA, I would expect a market sell off. Markets commentators (JPM equity analyst, etc) expect more rational government policy come November due to elections.
  21. 23-Year-Old Gelato Shop Is Closing in Hyde Park https://austin.eater.com/2018/9/17/17869800/dolce-vita-gelato-closed-hyde-park
  22. Hope Beto brings this up at the next debate.
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