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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Day drinking for games no longer limited to the fans
  2. I’m not going to excited so Mensa can kick me in the balls later with the dumbass play calling that may cause us to lose the game.
  3. His hair keeps obstructing his vision
  4. We start getting hot then stick our dicks in the freezer
  5. Fat ass aggies next to me keep saying they are a second half team. So delusional
  6. D is stepping up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Well, the aggies were competitive for almost a minute
  8. Heavy down pour in central austin
  9. I agree with his position but it is a loser from a voter standpoint. Disengaged voters aren’t watching the debates so he is only playing to a crowd that isn’t watching.
  10. Beto lost. He is appealing to disengaged voters in his message but almost none of those voters are watching the debates. He played into Cruz liberal scare story. Beto message works door to door but not in this format. He needs to come across as a moderate and came across as a scary liberal. I agree with his position but he needs to refute the too liberal for Texas story line in the debates. Beto scores a lot of style points but lost on message. I don’t get why he is so focused all criminal reform in his message. That isn’t a winning issue for reliable voters.
  11. everyone in DC has discussed invoking the 25th amendment. it would be criminal if Rosenstein hadn't
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