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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. No fan of trump but people need to remove their Cheeto colored glasses and realize this is the right action
  2. No trade deal today Economic warfare Markets shit the bed
  3. I made a fair amount of $$ in Roku but it is expensive now. Their growth numbers are impressive. The stock isn’t highly traded or followed and analyst fear that amazon or Netflix will just one day kill their business model.
  4. Been a few times couple years ago
  5. I showed my wife a few posts on the thread “stupid shit wives...” and most she did not understand why the wife’s actions were dumb. I feel like I will be contributing to that thread soon.
  6. What about my avocados? Don’t fuck with our millennial staples!
  7. Pelosi either has a master plan or royally fucking up managing the story line. I lean to royally fucking it up.
  8. Anyone want to bet on a positive announcement out of Friday? At best, a banal statement with tariffs being raised. I am pessimistic so expect markets to dive next Monday.
  9. Wet in 78751 (central Austin) with continual rain for the past hour.
  10. Violent crime has been declining since the 90s. That said, the instances of mass shootings has risen. Your stat is misleading at best.
  11. On airplanes when people get up to let you out but don’t walk any distance away so you have to brush up against them to exit.
  12. Estimates is that the tariffs fully implemented has a negative drag on China’s economy of 1.3% while the US is only 0.1%
  13. Another sign of the top. Buffet’s investing has sucked for years.
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