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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. You and derka should create your own board of victim complex
  2. Shiiiiit, this board I’d assume everyone has done something that could be considered an int’l crime
  3. Unemployment is very low
  4. China believes economic growth is a zero sum game. Making China feel the pain is the right strategy although you can disagree with Trump on tactics. I’m am not naive to believe that the jobs were coming back to the US but making China hurt economically is the only approach that will change their behavior
  5. Had last night. Would order again. Not my IG
  6. Oh, hai If just a simple fix and pilot error, why are they still grounded?
  7. Found after my post. Seems like I’m not the only one predicting decoupling
  8. #teambrisket Republicans have accelerated America’s decline. We are going to cede our position to China as a result which will have negative consequences for not just the US but the whole world. I expect less freedom and more conflict. Good job, Republicans!
  9. Boeing gave China a big gift in the negotiations. China signed a big Airbus deal today. China is already back tracking on their promises in the negotiations. I expect many years from now historians will cite this as the start of the decoupling of US and China economies.
  10. U.S. Budget Deficit Grew 39% in First Five Months of Fiscal 2019
  11. On an aggregate basis, US consumer aren’t taking on debt like they have in previous economic booms. A recession won’t have as much of a cascading effect from a consumer standpoint as prior recessions. With that said, companies have loaded up on debt so the Fed not raising rates have given corp a big gift. Politics will drive (eg Trade deal) US economy but also other economies (eg China and Europe) I’d expect slow growth with a technical recession in 2020 but that is it unless a big political event.
  12. Beto-philes don’t want to cite the latest pole?
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