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Nueces River Rat

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  1. One thing is for sure… OSU fans will be even more insufferable douches when we go up to Columbus in August. Thanks Norte Dame.
  2. LOL! Yea we suck. But at least we here on Surly will have another coach to bitch about and justifiably so.
  3. Fuck the NBA. We still have college hoops and college baseball on deck
  4. You think the Norte Dame living sports media is going to rank them below us? Fat chance. They could lose 42-7 and they will still be ranked two.
  5. Am I the only one that can’t get excited about this game?
  6. Time to get Jay Wright to come out of retirement.
  7. The responses from aggy and Tech fans are hilarious
  8. They might have cleaned it up a bit. When ACU was in D2, they took in some players who had issues which was not and still is not uncommon at that level. They were not the leaders at doing that in Texas. That was left to A&I (TAMUK) and aggy Commerce ( East Texas A&M) and West Texas A&M. When I did undergrad at A&I back in the early 90’s, the standing joke was the Texas Dept of Corrections could open a probation/ parole office at the athletic building because they had some real gems they took in from programs from all over the nation at that time, I recall they had a few big names from OU who ended up there after the scandal that caused Switzer to leave and would’ve resulted in death penalty had the NCAA not got cold feet about their ultimate punishment after the SMU fall out, There were numerous others to mention, but for some it was a good move and today they are on the straight .
  9. According to aggy, you can be “ahead of schedule” by posting cell phone videos of a player working out at the local Planet Fitness during the holding break.
  10. You must be referencing a Texas burger chain....
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