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Nueces River Rat

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Posts posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. At one point, it was going to rotate between Jerry World, Houston, San Antonio and maybe Austin. When they had the game at Houston, the attendance was terrible compared to Jerry World. And they scrapped that idea and went right back to Jerry World the next year. And the numbers went right back up. So yeah, we are stuck with it indefinitely. I do like the idea of having every state game for the 4 days at one site compared to back in the day, they'd be all over the state and many going on at the same time. This way, every game can be easily televised. I'm sure it's hell for these smaller schools with smaller budgets in the low classifications to have to pony up the money to travel and play these games. But if they are in state, I'm sure they don't bitch too much about it.

    Yes it cost us a few bucks, but at the end of the day it was worth it seeing my kid on that field with his friends and teammates and giving Aledo a run for their money too.
    • Like 1
  2. ADs and boosters. The latter is what worries me since those whores can sit in luxury with their cocktails and jerk off appetizers while the rest of us get fucked with $75 parking, overpriced food and no State Fair. 

    I can’t see our AD doing this. He’s not like that idiot Patterson who probably would jump at it.
  3. High school football playoff games were magnificent at Texas Stadium. Nothing else like it. High school playoff games at Jerryworld = boring.

    I hate the fact the UIL has sold out to Jerry and the state title games are stuck there until further notice. I get that a number of teams from the DFW make the title games year after year. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have to be required not to travel once in a while for the state game. When my kids high school made the game in 2016 and we played Aledo. Their trip took all but 30 mins. Mine about nine hours and $700 when the hotel, meals, gas, and other expenses were totaled up. I wish we’d go back to letting the coaches decide because we probably would of played that one at DKR.
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  4. Other than the money, I don't get why Arkansas purposefully gives up a home game every other year when that could actually benefit them against aggy. As it stand, they'll never beat aggy at JerryWorld. 

    And as I said to mdleast, there is nothing special about playing at JerryWorld. Everyone plays there. Hardly anyone plays at the Cotton Bowl and we actually have history with OU there. So why ever leave that beautiful venue where you have, outside of seats behind the pillars, wonderful site lines and even upper level seats aren't bad? That's like the Rose Bowl moving to the new LA NFL stadium when it gets built. Some games don't have to be about luxury suites, party platforms, and the largest Idiocracytron. Sometimes it can just be about football.

    I don’t get why any college would want to give up a home date every other year to play at any NFL stadium. I say this about the Florida/UGA matchup. Jacksonville isn’t exactly a big time destination either.
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  5. The skinny was apparently someone got in Herman’s ear that opposing teams were basically stealing signs so to speak. That in certain down and distance situations Texas had become predictable (hence tendencies). Whether there is truth to that is above my pay grade. But Riley was sure quick to voice his displeasure with the announcement that Herman had reached out to Beatty. And hid it behind the passive aggressive remark that “well, it isn’t against the rules”. And why in my earlier post I stated that both teams appeared to being doing everything they could to not repeat a sequence they may have used previously. Which led to both teams being out of sorts to a degree. 

    Thanks. I rather have Beatty around than Greg Davis.
  6. 8 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    Big12 did all they could to get their guy in, and BOOM, the SECSECSEC happens.

    Georgia and Bama gonna get in. 

    There is a small part of me that wanted to see OU get in there just to see how good they would stack up against these SEC teams and Clemson.   Notice I didn't say Norte Dame because regardless of their record, they are the most overrated team in the top ten right now.  Right above LSU.   OU would dog stomp Norte Dame.  

    But I comeback to Earth and there is no way on Earth I want those Land Thieves in contention to win a national title.  Screw that! 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Here’s the deal said:

    Herman made it pretty clear last year that he doesn’t want to call plays.  Beck was a failure last year, so he had to take over this year or go 6-5 again.  Hopefully he’s bringing in Beaty to take over next year.  Just connecting the dots.

    I'm sorry if this sounds ignorant, but what does bringing in Beaty do?  I mean his resume at least on the surface doesn't have the "wow" factor you do see from time to time from former HC's who go back to being Assitants after giving it a go as their own boss and failing.  

  8. At the risk of being called aggy and having the moral victory card thrown at me, I'm going to say I'm cool for how it turned out.  Especially after the shitshow back on Labor Day weekend against Maryland.  I recall I was pissed off as hell up in Fredricksburg watching the game and the wine samples at the different shops came in handy.   I though 4-7 might be a real possiblity and shit, things turned around begining with the USC game.    We came close to coming into this game with one loss at a miniumum  or none had we actually played to our potential against Maryland, WV and Okie Lite.   

    So here's hoping we get to a good bowl game and we play one of the SEC! SEC! SEC! bastard childern  like UGA or LSU and we come out with a chip on our shoulders and beat them and make all these goobers at aggy and on ESPN choke on their chilie.  Then we have a great recruiting class and spring and we come out mudhole La Tech in game one and do the same to LSU.

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  9. That shit wasn’t as bad as the shit show the Refs put on during the 2015 OSU game. But it was fucking close.

    I would just love to see one of our Coaches go ape shit on the quality of officiating during a post game press conference. I know each conference has rules about ripping the Refs, but someone needs to say fuck it and let it rip. Heck I’m sure whatever fine Tom had to pay could be “reimbursed” to him in salary or bonuses down the road. But fuck its the only way you can get these ass clowns at the league offices to answer for this shit.

    That goes for other fuck jobs in other conferences.m we’ve witnessed first hand and then even the commentators see it and call it. Remember, the guys calling today’s game are ESPN guys and their counterparts on the network spent all week pumping up OU for the playoffs.

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  10. No Herbie, he has a reputation of being a pussy

    The whole segment was just disgusting. Last minute of the deferment was oh btw, Sam did well too. No idiots. Sam played better than the spoiled Ewok. He looked like wuss in the press conference, Herbie. You don’t sit there a soak. You just say yes I screwed up and we play next week and be done with it.
  11. Why I decided to watch this circle jerk right now on my way out of the house is beyond me? It was a full blown Ohio State/OU love fest. Oh that are getting ready to go down on Kyler. Time to go poison the fire ants and make a quick trip to Dollar General. Screw Gameday.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Tired Horn said:

    Texas should have no complaints about Robinson. He did good by us in both his stints here.

    Yep.   I see above someone mentioned his age.

    IMO as with a number of professions, age doesn't matter.   In fact the college football world might benefit from the wisdom of the older folks.   I mean the Coach Bros (KK) can only take you so far.  Cool doesn't neccessarly translate to W's or long term success.  

  13. 28 minutes ago, horn4life said:

    I asume your kid will be living in Austin to go to school rather than living with you? I guess I would also want more specifics about what is drawing you northward.  Do you have family in San Antonio you feel you need to be close to? When you are you coming to Austin for Sports and entertainment, I assume you are staying in hotels for most of these events? If you were closer would the costs of hotels be offset by being closer to Austin proper?

    If it were me I would likely be looking at school districts and specific high schools, as my primary area of research.  If, and this might be a big IF, your son was willing to live with you then I might add the NW portion of Austin or even Cedar Park into the equation.  Westwood, Vista Ridge or McNeal as schools for your daughter.  There are still sub-$400K houses available the feeder areas. I also might suggest a sooner move, even though your daughter might dislike it.  Simply as I think as tough as Middle school is ( I call it the purest form of Darwinism) I think at least having a few friends coming into high school and the summer leading into high school might be a better option. Just my opinion though.

    San Marcos is a good middle and the town is starting to grow up. New Braunfels is one of the hotter markets as folks are tying to get a decent lifestyle and still commute into San Antonio. Ditto for Bulverde area. Dripping Springs checks a lot of the boxes if you perfer a more rural lifestyle.  Simply as the ability to shop and go to restaurants is still somewhat limited. Again I would be doing research on the quality of your daughter's high school as my primary source of narrowing choices!!!

    The reason I mentioned NW Austin is that it also checks a lot of your boxes and the access to Austin's light rail line offer some neat options of going downtown for entertainment and sporting events without needing to spring for a Hotel to really enjoy yourself? Now again I am biased as I went to the Continental Club Monday, The Domain area restaurant and bar hopping riday  Roaring Fork Saturday, and am going to head back downtown to Threadgills for what I think is their final weekend.  Now if you need access to SA or Corpus then south is the way to go.  But I Like NW Austin more and more as the Domain has brought a lot more compact partying opportunities at bars and restaurants as short dive or Uber away.

    Basically if you want to party in Austin and you don't have family needs to be out of Austin simply take the leap and go all in. 


    Thanks for your take on this.

    I don't know if my oldest  son will be living with us, but I'm going hedge he won't.  He's  the kind of kid who digs  downtown Austin , enjoys the  campus life,  and he'll be looking for a job at the same time.  And he will find a way to accomplish it which is a  lighter burden on my expense ledger as he's done through his undergrad years right now at UTSA.    Yes we have some family  and close friends in SA and the surrounding areas going towards Boerne, but it's not absolute  we must to be closer to SA for that reason.  But  my inlaws and other family members on her side will still be in the Corpus area.  And the inlaws are getting up in age and have no plans relocating.   My younger son who is graduating from High School in the spring might be going to UTSA, but he's not 100% sure on that.  

    I have thought about the NW part of Austin and the areas you noted.  My daughter is big into  music and the Cedar Park schools have some good band programs as well as the academic part of the equation.  And that light rail thing you note is a good thing and I had totally forgot about that angle.

    All good stuff to take into consideration.  

  14. It's been three or four years since I've been up in the  immediate Dripping Springs  area.   I like it and back then you could see the growth out there.    Has it really picked up since then?  We will have to make it a priority to explore if we go up to Austin in January or February.  

    I love Blanco.  That is an option for sure.    

    East of I-35, you just don't get the Hill Country feel as you do west of it for obvious reasons.   But as noted, you probably pay the price for it.  And that's OK because I hope this will be long term deal.  




  15. Fuck aggy and all, but we really need to setup another sweet Thanksgiving rivalry. 

    Maybe Notre Dame?

    (we can learn from their Independenceness) 

    I would rather schedule Arkansas. I always thought they were LSU’s thanksgiving weekend game? But i guess that changed when aggy joined? If other SEC schools can schedule non conference rival games on Thanksgiving weekend, they should let Arky do the same. I don’t think the rivalry with Arkansas was as intense as ours with OU sucks especially in more recent matchups. But it was pretty intense in the SWC days when conference was on the line in the 60’s and 70’s.

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