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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. Summer creek, Spring Creek, Fall Creek…… Too many schools named after creeks just like too many especially in South Texas are named Veterans Memorial. Not a dig at our fallen soldiers, but it gets confusing .
  2. Logistically it has some validity. The argument used is the attendee angle and at least 3A through 6A, at least one of the teams is going to be within a two to three hour drive of the stadium. In 5A and 6A that will likely be less. Would a SOC, Duncanville, Aledo or DeSoto game on a Wednesday or Thursday draw a good number?
  3. I mean I hate to sound like this to the Spring Creek kid. But he looks like a rag doll
  4. I know this…. 4A is still played at the Disch.
  5. Medina Valley should’ve focused on getting good the last few years and they haven’t. They would’ve been a perfect to follow a model like Lake Travis before they rose from mediocrity. True they don’t have the $$ like LT, but they are not begging for any either.
  6. When they showed the Corn kids doing Horns down, I knew we were about to kick their ass
  7. I’ve been to it a few times and have zero problem with at in Austin/ Round Rock because it’s a true central location being the closest to Brady which is the true geographical center of Texas. . My point is next to football, its a sport that has high interest and fan bases that will follow and if the north Texas powers had to play in San Antonio year in a year out or heaven forbid further south, they’d be asking why can’t they have it up there.
  8. This is for everything under domain from football to robotics and in between. I specifically said from this event.
  9. I don’t think the UIL ever makes a serious effort to reach out and sit the table for others. I can be certain if they sat down with NRG and The Alamodome folks and said we’d like to rotate this event and every three years you will get it for the next 10 or 20 seasons, it could be done. I just see the UIL as not a serious player at the table because the same excuses about attendance being low at NRG is used and the lack of Lockroom space at the Alamodome. The Alamodome thing can be fixed easily if the UIL just showed some serious intent. None of these facilities and the UIL will make a huge bank of ticket sales after expenses. It’s all coming from key sponsor and TV revenue.
  10. Jerry isn’t losing any money on this thing. The big elephant in the room is the TV package and with Bally Sports gone bankrupt and divesting itself of its deals in has with the pro teams in their respective markets, it will be interesting to see how long this last anyway.
  11. THSCA would all vote themselves a $50k raise too which some would argue would be just right for some HC/AD’s, but that doesn’t mean its feasible. I’d guess most of the THSCA voting bloc that would favor it at Jerryworld until it crumbles are all within a two to three hour drive and add that to some some struck coaches who only dream about it from the 956 and other areas, that’s where you get your overwhelming support. Put it to you this way. If the Alamodome was something special and the games were played there multiple years, the North Texas coaches and their boses in the Superintendents would’ve had this on a rotational schedule already. The UIL listens to them more than they do us poor hicks south of San Antonio and that is a fact. Go look at the different committees on both the athletic and non athletic sides and the further south you go, the less representation is found. I’d like to see them move baseball down here for a tourney or two and you’d see how quick the DFW metro coaches would scream.
  12. They should spit it into two weekends if the aim is to keep a TV package going. Along with that rotate it to different sites. Have six man through 3A at one site and 4A through 6A at another. Get rid of the Wednesday and Thursday nonsense too.
  13. The smaller schools 4A and below with a few exceptions never pack them and part of that is because they start playing their games on Wednesday. It’s tough for some of those fans to get time off to make that long drive if you are from West Texas or south of Austin. It’s an expense too. When I went back in 2016, it was easily a $500 trip for four. It’s probably $800 now when you throw in hotel, fuel, meals, tickets, parking. It adds up!
  14. It looked like it too. PNG travels well and it helped them even more having their game on Saturday helped push their numbers higher. The fans that get the shaft are the lower classifications which many of the schools in those classes that make it don’t sit within a couple of hours from Jerryworld. Those fan bases in some cases don’t have the resources to pay for $30 parking on top of all the other costs to get there if they can get there. Small town folks just can’t take off work on a whim too on short notice This whole concept needs to be reevaluated. UIL is supposed to provide as neutral as possible venues for their championships and not fleece the very taxpayers who fund the organization.
  15. You think Jerry could afford some blackout curtains to block that west sun.
  16. I think some of us yelled the same thing at Sark a few times ….. just sayin. It works
  17. I don’t feel sorry for any DFW area team that doesn’t win. Home field advantage forever thanks the UIL pricks attached to Jerryworld and Bally sports.
  18. Meh. Lake Travis, Austin Westlake and Southlake didn’t suddenly go into has been status when they moved up. In fact I think LT played for a 6A title not soon after moving up, maybe the very following season?
  19. aggy will be paying a $500 million dollar buy out for the lucky dude who coached aggy to their 22nd consecutive 7-5 season.
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