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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. And Desmond Howard or one of the other ESPN dorks had them destined to the playoffs….
  2. Davenport scored on their first three of four offensive plays of the game. Beeville was not a bad team either , so yea I got Davenport with the keys now. Got a feeling it will be Davenport and PLC meeting in the regional final in two weeks.
  3. One of their buses broke down. Alice took it to them early, but Lampasas didn’t help itself by not sticking to the run game after their QB struggled in the first half.
  4. Did I hear correctly Bjork interviewed Traylor via Zoom? You mean Bjork couldn’t take the aggy Private jet that brought Jimbo to Collie Station down to SA for a 30 min flight and meet Traylor in person ? What an idiot.
  5. Just a reminder..... If you are visiting your local HEB and it's not a "Plus" with the wide aisles. Prepare to have a shit fit the next few days. I thought going early this morning to get all of our Thanksgiving stuff would avoid all the personal shopper blue carts, the stockers, and some of the olds riding around in their electric carts. NOPE....
  6. From just returning from my local HEB and battling the blue personal shopper carts, stockers, and the olds riding around in electric carts . TEXAS
  7. That's probably a good bet depending on the size of the firm. What might be an interesting research topic for someone working on their MBA or behavioral type science is to have a firm advertise a position and require the applicant to submit both a hard copy via Priority Mail and one vs the HR software the firm uses. Let the human(s) sort out the paper ones and the HR software do it's process of elimination and see where they both stand at the end of the process.
  8. True... But it seems just like Okie State/OuSuks that one of the teams sucked going into that game. This year is kind of different
  9. It’s just mind boggling thinking about the wealth of talent that is being sidelined because of how hiring is conducted these days. Firms small, medium,and large whether they be family owned or multinational are whining and bitching about attracting and retaining good people and they don’t lift a finger to fix it. Here’s a novel idea for HR firms across America and the world for that matter. Turn off your Indeed, ADP, and Workday platforms and have resumes and applications emailed directly to an inbox so they bypass resume reading software . Do this for month across most key positions. If you get 100 resumes, randomly pick 40 and start making phones calls and setting up interviews. Use Zoom if you have too, but TALK to prospects. You might actually find a diamond in the rough who might give you 15 years and retire at your firm. It’s not hard, but I forgot. ……..Modern HR knows best…..
  10. Same here. Looks like I’m older that you (51). Fortunately this job has management opportunities down the road and that’s what the district manager liked about my experience as I have 25 years experience in management for our now former family business. I’ve only been in sales for four years and some change now and I’m going to really use this new opportunity to refine my sales skills as they have a fantastic training platform vs the job I just left. Anyhow I’d really like to make the jump to sales management in this firm if it affords me and the location is right in four or five years and ride that out until I reach retirement age. Although this job search was short, it was exhausting and taxing on the mind. My last job I was able to get through word of mouth and I didn’t even have to submit a resume, so I had no clue how the game was played today in corporate America. And of course before that we owned our own business, so I didn’t need a resume, cover letters, etc . When I did my first job search after college, it was career fairs, dropping by an actual location, or mailing a resumes. Fortunately we started the business a few months after I graduated , so that hunt was brief. If I don’t ever have to job hunt again, I’d be satisfied.
  11. This worked for me too. I wish I would’ve done this earlier in the game instead of later. I also reached out to a Territory Manager in another region here in Texas for a job I was applying for and she got me in touch with HR. I was kind of hesitate to do this, but I figured I have a person or two every day or so trying to contact me through LinkedIn messaging to try sell me on something , why not use it myself? If an HR person don’t want to be contracted, they shouldn’t have a profile on LinkedIn.
  12. All you gals worried about Oregon staying where they are do know they still have to play Oregon State? That’s not an auto W for the Ducks
  13. So if Hicks would’ve kept his mouth shut and we fired Mack, we very well could’ve had Saban? Never mind. We would’ve shot our nuts off anyways and screwed it up.
  14. I guess all of these resume experts on Linkedin and Fiverr are going to have to adjust? I had freelancer redo my resume I found on Fiverr. He did an excellent job and it wasn't anywhere near the $500 or more the so called Linkedin experts , but got too fancy with some stuff. Fortunately my Sister has a friend who used to be a hiring manager at Haliburton back in the day (now with a placement firm) before all this AI crap look over the resume and he suggested some edits on my resume and boom I got some bites.
  15. I am happy to say I got an offer yesterday in Industrial tools (mainly oilfield) sales and I accepted. Ironically it was the only in person interview of maybe six I've done over the phone that got an offer and it might be actually sitting in hotel meeting room with the two managers had something to do with it instead of being screened by the first level HR folks. I actually kept an pre screening interview for this morning because I was curious about a few details I could only get by doing the screening and it was one of these answer the questions via video response. That was a waste of time and I would've said that even had I not taken the offer yesterday. I felt like an idiot talking to myself.
  16. PJ Fleck would be the perfect aggy hire...
  17. I always thought Dollar Bill Byrne was a tool until Bjork was hired. My gosh what an arrogant prick.
  18. How does John Sharpe and Bjork still have jobs today? You'd think the head of the aggy BOR would've called Sharpe yesterday and said it's time for you to think about seriously retiring .
  19. Dykes has some aggy traits for sure ..... I mean his Dad was coach at Sand aggy, so he can relate to the culture in Collie Station. He had to recruit some of the same area we all do with his time at Louisiana Tech, SMU and TCU. I still think last years TCU success was a series of perfect events that helped get them there. I doubt it occurs again for a very long time.
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