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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. Tim Brando is actually giving us props. How low is the temp in Hell?
  2. That’s correct. The same SEC Refs for which many who follow SEC teams not named Alabama claim are biased for the Tide and Saban . Go figure.
  3. I still think some money was at play in the 2015 game. But damn for it to happen 7 years later really legitimizes that question. And on paper 2022 looks worse because Okie State had zero penalties after averaging over nine for the balance of the season. That zero in our game probably lowered that number and it was probably ten if the Refs had called five or more.
  4. Wow…. A conference with any sense of responsibility and ethics would’ve made Mar sit with the Rig 12 Head of officiating and gone through that whole game with a fine tooth comb. That’s criminal.
  5. Every time I see that face I think of “winning is hard.”
  6. What was Okie States average for the year? People will point at the UA game by Campbell’s crew as the Rig12 Refs did Texas a favor. Of course we know they screwed up the call in the end zone, but it was more to for what was not called. Bama could’ve easily had 150 yards or more .
  7. Who is considered the best crew in the Rig 12? I know Muscle Head’s was considered the better crew until he somehow got hired by the NFL. I fear we get Mar for one of the next two.
  8. This is a great point. We still have to worry about the fuckery with officiating carrying over to other sports. Don’t think for a minute as pretty as the Rig 12 leadershp is they won’t try especially if we manage to win the football title. Basketball is ripe.
  9. I think you are correct about the Michigan game. It was part of the exit deal to play Michigan at Ann Arbor next year instead of Austin. If we play any Big 10 or Rig 12 team on the road there will be that chance. Hopefully the Ohio State game in Columbus in 2025 will be on CBS or NBC.
  10. I agree. This year from what I’ve seen on LHN it appears he’s really trying to keep his job in some capacity, perhaps to keep doing things like the coaches shows on a whatever platform is used to produce those shows.
  11. Lol. Billy has to be the luckiest SOB in Collie Station. He spews speculative non sense and propaganda in almost every sentence and gets paid big bucks for doing it. And the aggys just slurp it up.
  12. This clip should be played over and over and over this week. And on a continuous loop at DKR until pre game on Friday.
  13. Bjork is a perfect comparison to Patterson.
  14. That was him? Ok it took him to the third to the last game. Lol!
  15. Along with all the BS they spewed last year after beating us in Lubbock. We should throttle them by 28 plus.
  16. So is Alan Lack ( I think that’s his last name) who was the white hat for the 2015 Okie State screw over. Shows that being a stooge and borderline incompetent in the Rig 12 is not a black mark for your resume if trying to get into the NFL. Kevin Mar should apply because he’d be hired on the spot.
  17. It took Kirk getting to our second to the last official Rig 12 game and the possible championship game to realize this. Or at least publicly acknowledge it. Better late than never I guess? He and the rest of the Longhorn friendly press have never got on the call out the officiating train even when faced with all the evidence.
  18. I get the hard to beat a team twice in a season. But that K State game we helped put them in position to score twice with turnovers both deep in our end of the field. But yes I want to Okie State to avenge that scoreboard and the Ref screw jobs which of all of them, the two most memorable were against Okie State.
  19. Along with the win and overcoming the Rig 12 attempt to screw us via the Refs agin last night, I’m just glad this was our last game on Fox and hopefully forever. It’s like the network got a memo to not hide their hate save when Gus and Joel called our one game against KState a few weeks ago. Last night they weren’t even hiding it. From the pre game show, to Brock and his partner slobbering all over Iowa State during the first half…. That’s without noting the Tim Brando and Spencer stuff against Cougar High. Good riddance Fox and here is to worse ratings covering the Rig 12 games of the week next year featuring Cincy vs Cougar High. Lmao.
  20. New Mexico State aggy best Auburn worse than aggy. Four points better !
  21. Rig 12 office will give us one for the Tech game and the other for the Rig 12 ‘ship.
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