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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. The only that will make this worse is Kevin Mar being the white hat
  2. If any Surlys ever wanted Gus as a HC in the past, please go dispose of yourselves.
  3. How many more BJs are these idiot commentators going to give Gabriel in the last five mins. Ridiculous. It’s like Joe Buck is calling the game.
  4. CDC needs to put the Jackass up in the nosebleed with the Tech band when those mother fuckers come to town. And the Silver Spurs should ask for the Rig 12 flags that used to fly around the stadium and use them to pick up BEVO’s shit.
  5. There is a FB page called HEB Obsessed where folks post HEB brand products and the in store made stuff and this was posted. Should I post this on the “Fuck the Big 12 Refs” thread because we know the screw job is coming from the Rig 12 office.
  6. This is correct. Tech fan wanted him gone.
  7. Johnson is going to concussed or something. Aggy OLine is a joke.
  8. This was most of Surly last week
  9. https://x.com/boardgeniuses/status/1712665287105868218?s=61&t=6-iXhrrYFGqOWClYC23GSA
  10. We should dump 49 on these clowns.
  11. Hahahaha. Suck it Cougar High. Just suck it.
  12. Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.
  13. Call me olds now although I like to think I’m great with technology. But how does this work with a current resume?
  14. So sorry to hear this. Praying she pulls through!
  15. Update: Happy to say everything is looking good with my wife. Surgery to remove the mass was done a few weeks ago up at MDA. Reconstructive work was done right after the surgeon removed the mass and everything looks great and healing nicely. Why this hasn't been a standard thing for women until recently is beyond comprehension. The mass responded very well to the Chemo blast. Not a trace of cancer remained in the tissue or what lymphs that were removed. She will do four weeks of radiation starting next week to insure not a speck of a cancer still remains which kind of sucks, but it's a walk in the park if you will compared to the weeks/months of chemo. Light is staring right at us as we are almost done with this chapter. She's ready to enjoy life again. Thanks to all who have commented and reached out. Means a ton!
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