Funny thing this thread pops up. I'm looking for a job and as a 50 year old dude who always worked for companies that he had a part starting, it sucks in this new bot driven way resumes are screened. It's funny that corporate America bitches and moans about not being able to find hardworking prospects, but the bots and resume screening software platforms don't even get some of those people past the bullshit auto generated email thanking you for your application, but we've decided to move on, blah, blah, blah. Just complete Bullshit! Something is to be said of the old days of mailing a resume or doing drop in at their physical location.
I was let go in August by the small aggregate supply company I went to work for back in April. The owner hired a Sales Manager who turned out to be a total fraud. But before he finally figured out what I and another former employee figured out from the day the clown took the job, he fired us. My BS detector went from smelling the BS to being hip deep in it with this guy within an a day of meeting him. He had to clear us out, because he knew we didn't buy his BS and this is without me even saying a word that he was full of it. Part of me is still a tad bitter, but I figured it was best for maybe to this to happen now instead of later because the Owner can't be the sharpest knife if he couldn't see what we saw.
I got some leads, but dang a I wish one would close and give me a chance now.