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Vic Mackey

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Everything posted by Vic Mackey

  1. That's why this stinks of corruption. No GM is this dumb. I doubt it was even him wanting this. Sure, he will take ownership for it but this smells of coming down from the owners. The only thing I can see, and this is 99% unlikely, let Luka get traded to LA for AD. Luka doesn't sign with LA after next season. Sign him back with some backroom agreement with Luka. But yeah, that isn't happening. Luka loves the limelight unlike Dirk. He loved it here but will love LA even more.
  2. Yep. Nothing about AD is generational. Good player? Sure. Can he lead a team to a NBA Finals? Absolutely not. Switch Luka with AD last year and Mavs don't even sniff a Finals. Most likely would be 1 and done or at best, get ran off the court by OKC.
  3. Like what, a title in 2020 because Lebron rescued his career like he did Kyrie? That was now 5 years ago and AD is now 32. The comparison is spot on. Burrow is much better than Dak. Burrow is younger. AD is brittle like Dak.
  4. Yeah not buying any of this. Luka could have been shopped this summer and pretty much every front office in the league would be involved. This would have been Lebron 2010 in terms of where will he end up. Dallas could have sat back and had other front offices outbid each other. But yet they trade him for an aging, often injured AD and one single pick 5 years from now? Lol sure thing. And traded him to a team that is well connected to the owners at that.
  5. This is absolutely self sabotage by the new ownership. There is zero other explanation. Tank the fanbase interest, then tell the NBA they need to move to Vegas. Exactly what happened to the Oakland A's. This isn't the Cowboys. Dallas fanbase will quit giving a fuck and it will start very soon. Mavs already lost hundreds of thousands of fans on their IG. And the owners are close to the Lakers, right? What better way to self sabotage by giving them Luka for nothing. Not even shopping around a player of this magnitude in his mid 20s? Collusion at its finest. Honestly, I hope this poverty franchise moves to Vegas this decade.
  6. I don't eat ice cream that often but HEB ice cream shits all over Blue Bell.
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