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Lou Loomis

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  1. EPIC group. So proud of those guys. Sad that Sark’s myopia and stubbornness kept them from a legit chance at CFB immortality.
  2. <sigh> It’s just that simple. :((((((
  3. We cock-cram either one of these teams. Plzzzzzz beat Ohio St!!!!!!!!!
  4. Their schedule seemed easier than ours. 🤔
  5. Columbus is wonderland of blandness and misery. Nice zoo, though.
  6. Rude mom + dad rocking the aggy tuxedo
  7. Wow. My grandmother had these exact joke books. I have vivid childhood memories of reading these to get to sleep when we'd visit her. First times I saw the term 'teasipper'... Seemed bizarre, even then, to a small kid, that they had their fake military motif going.... Is there another university anywhere whose primary identity is "redneck laughingstock"?
  8. Every caller sounds like Boomhauer’s slow cousin.
  9. 😳 This could be a 52 - 3 final score… if Duke gets its shit together.
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