Can speak to this.
First, I flew into Puerto Vallarta this past May with cartridges purchased here in CO. 0 fucks given at DEN airport, when landed in PVA, I had read online that I should keep them on my person, but my wife insisted that I put them in luggage, so I didn’t bother making a stink about it. Put them in luggage, scanner noticed them, local police tried to threaten me with jail, my wife luckily fluent in Spanish argued and asked how much money he wanted, and he demanded $100 per cartridge (I had 2) and he wanted to keep them (to then sell/use himself) but my wife argued that we’d keep them for that amount which we did get to keep and got full enjoyment out of them at the beach and resort. I def told her I told ya so after that as you don’t even walk through a scanner yourself, just your luggage.
Second, over 10 years ago now, I flew back from Brussels with a half oz of flower I copped in Amsterdam. They checked my bag post scan and then also flagged my bag for an additional manual search at the gate in front of everyone and they took a bunch of shit out of my carryon, but still didn’t find the weed or confiscate anything. Definitely had me sweating and this was pre legalization in the US, so I wouldn’t do this today, but I was definitely smoking fire Amsterdam weed at ACL that weekend when I came back.
The trick: put your weed in double bagged ziplocs inside of socks or jean pockets and pack like normal in your carryon. Never check the bag.