I think in your psychoanalysis of our relationship you are only getting part of the real picture. I brought up some fears which yielded insecurities, sure, however, I was selling short the reality of my day to day life. I tend to not brag about all the good things going on with a girl that’s way hotter than friend’s wives, because I’m not looking to push every friend of mine away.
With that said, we are best friends that spend every day together. She’s addicted to hanging out with me. “Everything is more fun with you, etc”. We’re not the same person and that greatly enriches our relationship. We compliment each other extremely well and in the the past 2 years of living together not only have we grown as a couple, but as individuals bettering ourselves. I’ve been in enough long term relationships to know you have to see that so that you can grow together for the rest of your lives. Not only her, but her entire family loves me, and I meet a lot of aunties and uncles, cousins, etc. and I’m a second dad to her 10 year old sister and 15 year old brother. To the point that her parents have told her don’t fuck this up, because of how he treats you (non monetarily, as an equal human being with respect). She stopped drinking entirely because I told her she has a problem (and I did too) from a drinking too much when we drink standpoint, so we stopped together before anything happened in our relationship that we couldn’t take back and grow from.
i appreciate your perspective, even though I didn’t appreciate your tone at the beginning. If I were to psycho analyze you, it would seem that after 33 years of marriage, maybe you’re not so happy given your natural proclivity (and possible projection of what you wish you did) to be overly aggressive and angry first thing in the morning with comments on a message board where someone is a) putting themselves out there to be vulnerable on a site of assholes and b) looking for an honest variety of opinions. But that’s neither here nor there.
She knows I’m the prize and tells me that every day, and backs it up with actions. If I don’t think she’s doing enough or the right things to show it, because we show our love in different ways and prefer to receive it in different ways, I tell her and she adjusts to make me happy.
The size of the ring was first suggested by me, because that’s how much I love her, how much she means to me, and because I can. With that said, I’ve made a variety of decisions in the past that someone who is fiscally mature and financially responsible would not always make, so I have a lot to learn in that department. With that said, she’s been pushing for us to live more and more frugally so that we can have a nicer house and live a more fulfilling live with activities rather than a nicer restaurant on Friday nights and nicer threads for ourselves.
She wants a Radiant cut, which is cheaper and shows even larger than its carat weight, and is forgiving of inclusions (read lower price point). I can get a lab grown 2 carat for 6K and under that will both make her feel incredible and her family will have the wow factor when I get on one knee in front of them at their Christmas party and it won’t ruin us financially going forward, which is what I plan to do.
I’ve gotten out of this what I had hoped, and honestly what I should have expected from this site. I have cut my target price point in half thanks to the great advice of you fine people. In addition, we won’t be spending much at all on a wedding, because she is happy to have it at a backyard or park, because she wants to save money for a house and really just wants her family there, because ultimately that’s what matters to her most.