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I Plead Da Fif

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by I Plead Da Fif

  1. People who leave their cup under a coffee maker while they go do something else and wait for someone to move their cup because they couldn’t be bothered to spend 15 seconds.
  2. When you’re reading a page on your phone, you’re most of the way down the page, you move your phone or set it down and the page gets scrolled all the way to the top when you go to look at it again.
  3. I Plead Da Fif


    Gummies are actually the riskiest thing to fly with. In illegal states, that’s considered concentrate, not flower and is charged by weight, not THC. Also those gummies have THC imprints on them. Better to make your own edibles or just bring flower.
  4. The first of many. testy test
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