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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle


    I admire your commitment to the crazy.
  2. Kyle


    Does this also confirm we're back to "believe all women?" #tarareade
  3. Kyle


    Cuomo starting to understand how Robespierre felt as he rode to the guillotine.
  4. Add this to math, reason, showing your work, asking questions, timeliness, SATs, grades, condoms, BMI, beetus, etc. ... yawn.
  5. Yada yada yada ... get to the point: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/forum/20-id-pee-in-her-butt/
  6. Kyle


    My name is Kyle. I intentionally watched Outlander. I'm one episode away from being a full Beta Biden Bro. The historical stuff is actually decent ... the 18th Century sex scenes entertaining enough ... the plot just silly - like WW84 or the New Star Wars with 18th Century technology.
  7. How is it in other parts of the state? We've had roaming government mobs here confiscating masks and forcing people to go out to eat, shop, and employ people at small businesses ... how you guys encountered this kind of fascist authoritarianism in other parts of the state?
  8. It was a good week ... - usual lies - white power shout out - contradicting science and CDC experts I guess “good” has been redefined like racism, etc. LOL! #idiocracy (please rep me snowflake fascists)
  9. He deserves it. F the HOF for making him wait.
  10. It's amazing schools would even consider opening with the tens of thousands of kids and teachers dying from covid every day.
  11. Unfortunately they ran him to Frisco.
  12. Agreed. Elway is the OG douche bitch.
  13. Horrible. Can't imagine killing anyone but how can anyone kill a kid(s).
  14. I genuinely had no idea there were people that actually cared about award shows. Fascinating.
  15. Agreed. Wife and I saw it in the theater Sunday night, and we both enjoyed it. Is it Best Picture, no, but it was the best movie I've seen in a while. I do agree with the Malek mis-casting, but Denzel and Leto were great. It was enjoyable crime-suspense movie. As a Philistine, I would have liked a tidier ending but that would have distracted from the point I suppose.
  16. Triggering Betas with facts and science is fun.
  17. Kyle

    The Unicorn

    She’s so stupid I can’t even wack it to Embrace of the Vampire anymore.
  18. This is like Biden Beta kryptonite. Desperately waiting for CR talking points.
  19. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/01/27/psaki_on_gamestop_yellen_monitoring_the_situation.html Psaki fills the special needs square on China Joe’s identity politics big board. Of course no words for regarded question asked.
  20. 12D chess right here https://twitter.com/grandoldmemes/status/1355210356092760064?s=20
  21. How does the biggest story of the year go unnoticed?
  22. Three pages and no one realized this has been answered?
  23. While waiting for the old lady, I inadvertently let the volcano episode start. After the opening pool scene, I just and to record for the WTF ... I feel like I'm watching live "SpongeBob" where baked writers just sit around thinking of the most ridiculous, insane ideas and then go "why the hell not, let's see if anyone calls us on it." I mean the "Buster Keaton" and "Buster the Cat" was such a nice touch.
  24. With that foursome, this should be amazing ... but WW84 and Tenet (my last two) were big strikeouts.
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