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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. This is my reaction when 99% of Millenial Twitters want to sew a yellow star on everyone that disagrees with them and send them to the ovens ... I mean kind of hard to take it seriously when Biden, Trudeau, Gov. Blackface-Klansman, etc., all get passes ...
  2. Pretty much sums up today's estromen.
  3. Beat me too it. This thing already pitched and collapsed in Rowlett.
  4. Exactly. Those that are jacking off to the obvious miss the subtlety of the real message.
  5. Can you imagine all the currency that smells like Hunter Biden’s asshole?
  6. Kyle


    Exactly. I’ve never actually seen anything to indicate it ever was racist but regardless it hasn’t been racist for 100 years. I guess this is as close to “systematic” racism anyone can find. Need to keep to brownshirts motivated to burn, loot, murder.
  7. Garrett Gilbert. He looked like Joe Montana in high school.
  8. Agreed. After reading this thread and Gorman's book, I really started listening to Warpaint and love it.
  9. <aggy>He is hoping to avoid having to face Mond in SEC title game</aggy>
  10. Those sheets are at best 60 ... not sure if there still is a Klan or if it wears sheets, but I'm guessing it at least is Quality Inn. Add me to the list of calling your client's customer base "white supremacists" much worse ...
  11. Mark me down for not understanding how anyone can defend Herman at this point.
  12. I think all of these issues can be approached an solved in a pretty systematic way: 1. What is the current problem to be solved? 2. How will the proposed actions solve this problem? 3. What is the expected result of the proposed actions? 4. How will we quantify success? 5. When will we know we have solved the problem? If we cannot answer those, it is just emotional hysteria designed for another purpose.
  13. Yes. 1000 times yes. Should have gone for the win at 31-30. Definitely after second OT.
  14. This. All of these conversations die in the specifics. Someone literally is paid to go find reasons to be recreationally outraged. Seven months ago, no one was offended. Someone had to tell them to be.
  15. I am not sure there is a coach in America that has done less with more.
  16. I cannot think of a single reason to keep him. Literally every part of this team sucks - he's even fucking up Dicker the Kicker.
  17. I thought the Congressman Neuman arc perfectly sums up 2020 'murica. I've gotten on board with its subversive commentary - replace "super villian" with "covid" and you has 2020 predicted.
  18. Why don' they just unhitch the train cars with the deplorables?
  19. Are they the ones stealing all the mailboxes?
  20. Fake players with fake heart showing fake outrage.
  21. Kyle

    Sam Ehlinger

    This. He has not improved.
  22. Players should worry less about twitter telling them that should be offended by Eyes.
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