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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    recycling: yay or nay?

    I am a pretty fanatical reduce / reuse / recycle person. However, I also agree that most of it likely does not good but feeds the emotional outrage of the masses. But I still do it even if it all ends up in the landfill and try to beat it into my kids.
  2. Guessing that guy never used hyperbole.
  3. I had already forgotten who Kevin Spacey was. Who cares - affects my life not. Put the rapist in prison and find someone else to read a prompter.
  4. Fuck TCU. Several years ago Baylor started a running back at QB and still beat the crap out of Carolina and set a bowl rushing record.
  5. You can when everyone else is western and white.
  6. These TV shows make hay by making a big deal of of things that can be easily explained and misleading viewers via omission and commission. That naturally makes me suspicious - if all these cases were so obviously miscarriages of justice, there would be no need to obfuscate.
  7. I read the article twice, and it was not clear why I was supposed to be outraged. Should we be surprised that people fleece sports for big bucks?
  8. I get school zones, but I don't get why they seem to start and end an hour after school starts / ends. I mean how many elementary kids are getting to school an hour early and staying an hour late.
  9. Cheers to the for standing up to Western imperialism. White people always think they can tell the world what to do.
  10. Fair enough. I was thinking about the other podcast that same douch-canoe did in between on the Atlanta child killer, but I guess it was not officially "up and vanished."
  11. Unequivocally the worst of the worst hosted by Douchemaster J. You hit the nail on the head. The guy did jack taco but interview a P.I. formerly hired by the family and his grandmother and somehow took credit for solving the case. The second version was hysterical watching him get taken for a ride by the Atlanta child killer.
  12. LOL. Greedy jerks ruining 11-year-old sports.
  13. That sounds like the new politics board.
  14. One of our posters is in the movie? Cool.
  15. Which two, and how were you able to figure that out?
  16. I don't have a dog in the hunt, but I was cheering for Duncanville. He was not past the LOS. I don't know the rule, but his release looked like one-inch behind and of course his foot was back further.
  17. That was an amazing heady play and amazing throw - QB was maybe one-inch from the LOS. Catch - enough said.
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