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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Anyone no drunk on identity politics emotional hysteria ... How does the fact she was off duty impact potential liability of the city? As a parallel, is it the fact she is a cop or a government employee change the situation as opposed to a private citizen? If she was a waitress at Hooters could the family sue the restaurant chain?
  2. Kyle


    Straw Man II: Electric Bugaloo. Scattershooting while wondering why accepting Mexican (#noracist) asylum is a bad idea? 1. Better climate (weather) ; 2. Better climate (political); 3. Better climate (cultural). Why is it a bad idea? Rather than emoting about national socialists I'm actually trying to explore solutions.
  3. Kyle


    The straw man defense! Sweet! I hope ousux employs it as well.
  4. Kyle


    According to many here, that is all it should take, and we should be obligated to accommodate. Feels like Singapore should start sending planes: its tropical, safe, and lacks the mobs of national socialists terrorizing all brown people daily like here. It meets all of the criteria.
  5. Kyle


    I hope Watson, Ingram, Ehlinger, and LJ have as much luck dodging ousux Saturday as you do. To my point earlier, many just prefer emotion, which is cool. No harm, no foul. I don't take it personal.
  6. Kyle


    So now asylum is about weather? Geez - you move goalposts more than the refs in the LSU-aggy game. You're still avoiding the obvious point that Mexico is much safer than the national socialist run U.S. where Trump mobs are killing brown, non-Christian, non-straight, non-males in the streets every day? So tell me why they should not accept the win-win-win of Mexican asylum? (BTW - your ad hom shows your true snowflake cred ... just call me a racist national socialist and get it over with Prof. Godwin)
  7. That's what I thought. Don't they inherently have to be some form of white male Christian oppression? I mean it might decide in the womb or after birth it should change. Why this patriarchal nazi oppression?
  8. This is where my head goes ... I fully support defending oneself. However, given she walked into the apartment - so I assume she was closer to the door - would not the right thing to do would be for her to step out of the apartment, into the lighted hall, and ... I don't know ... call the cops? Then she probably would have figured out she was in the wrong spot. Seems like on the fourth floor he was pretty confined and was not going to escape if she was worried about a robber taking her VCR.
  9. Kyle

    Uniform Pron

    Whatever the Cowboys did last night should stop. They have great home uniforms - Jerruh needs to stop screwing with them.
  10. Kyle


    Wait - I thought America was full of racist national socialists killing and persecuting all non-white, non-straight, non-male, non-Christians? How could this possibly be safer than Mexico? They would face no persecution from Trump attack squads that continue to terrorize Americans daily. By your logic, they should be seeking asylum in Singapore.
  11. They key word here is "advocates." World is full of politically motivated junk science often promoted by scientists.
  12. Kyle


    Reasonably people can disagree, but it at least demonstrates the asylum argument is phony. They don't want asylum they want to come to the U.S. Better conversations start with honest and transparent conversations. I suspect part of the reason people do not trust each other politically is because of the disingenuous nature of the spin.
  13. Kyle


    This has always been a topic when facts and logic are not on one's side - appeal to emotion. Why discuss a complex issue in a rational way when you can just make hyperbolic ad homs agains anyone who disagrees with you? Much easier than actually engaging intellectually.
  14. Kyle


    It matters because ostensibly the story is "these people are seeking asylum." Mexico is offering asylum. If they simply stay in Mexico, everyone wins: the migrants receive the asylum they seek, Mexico receives productive citizens, and the U.S. does not face any risk that there is a bad person entering the country. Feels like a simple solution that meets everyone's needs.
  15. I agree. I did not mean to imply the court filings were unbiased and necessarily fact. However, I inferred (possibly incorrectly) that the poster was dismissing the fact there was a dispute based on an ad hom ("fake news") against the web site. Reading the court documents, it seems clear (I'm not a lawyer) that there is a dispute between the parents and that a significant portion of it involves whether to consider the child male or female. No value judgment on who is correct on that question, but the question does seem to be a legitimate court proceeding.
  16. Fair enough ... which might be the most frightening part of all. I think I might have felt better if he was a fake neurosurgeon.
  17. Kyle


    I fear I'm falling into the same trap. The Cloak Room was fun ... this place is snowflakes armed with neg rep that seem to bully any diverse opinions. (which at least helps explain why so many have hard-ons for national socialists)
  18. Felix - really ... you're such a snowflake that causes you to neg me? You need that outrage fix!
  19. Kyle


    So you're basically accusing Mexico of being national socialists? #thatsracist! I think the crickets to the Mexico asylum issue pretty much show it's bogus. No one can explain why if they simply seek asylum why they're refusing Mexico's offer.
  20. Bruh ... a court filing by definition is a primary source. While the filing may not be accurate in terms of recitals, you can read the claims and decide for yourself. Do you think the site fake the filing a la Dan Rather? What for you would be an unbiased source? FWIW, I did not read any of the commentary of the discussion of the filing, but the filing is what it is (you can read that online unless you're all in #fakenews).
  21. It's funny how politicized science actually is ... Everyone loves #science as long as it agrees with their agenda.
  22. If people don't understand simple grammar, how do you expect them to understand complex issues? Snowflakes are basically moronic bullies with bullhorns.
  23. I realize today anything that disagrees with us = fake news, but the article, while an opinion piece, links to primary sources. What part of the article did you find biased?
  24. Kyle


    Anyone that is pro-illegal immigration have a POV? If these folks genuinely are seeking asylum from political persecution in Central America, then accepting Mexico's offer (which is rare from Mexico, which has a much tougher stance on illegal immigration than the U.S.) seems like the perfect answer as well as less disruptively culturally. It seems to check all of the moral, ethical, and political boxes, so why does not everyone get behind this solution? It does not seem like anyone could quibble with this.
  25. According to one neurosurgeon quoted in the podcast, most residents would have been expected to have performed 3,000 surgeries ... this guy apparently did not break 100 before graduation. Psychopath notwithstanding, I think they guy generally did not know how to perform surgery, according to the podcast.
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