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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Agreed. Admit I did not read every word of every study, but IIRC the first study noted 1) things progressively improving with mandatory guidelines and 2) did not account for distinctions in other factors such as previous convictions. (if I am incorrect, then fair enough) Absolutely on the M-M study ... which is generally why "science" is hard because its says concurrently there is statistical significant differences and studies are inconclusive. Tough to process that. This is consistent with the trouble of a lot of these issues - it is very difficult to tease out what is driven by race and what is driven by economics, i.e. inability to afford sophisticated, focused legal counsel. Even if we grant there is systematic racism in the criminal justice system, as noted above ... there is a very easy way not to become of victim of it.
  2. The Mitchell-MacKenzie article seemed to get the closest to answering the question and acknowledged of the studies they reviewed, the results were inconclusive. A few of the others are articles with sensational headlines not supported by the study being discussed. For example, the "Same Crime, More Time" article discussed a study that just compares incarceration rates and does not examine disparate sentencing for the exact same crime with the exact same criminal history of the convicted; but it gets emotions up. Stop projecting. Proof is not impossible. If you cannot find evidence to support your contention, the answer is not to change the evidence but change your contention.
  3. What do you expect from a country full of anti-masker MAGA voters. We have a secret weapon - DrJill!
  4. Sweetie you're coming to a slap fight without any hands. You're like a horny quadriplegic with no eye lids watching the 24-hour gay porn channel.
  5. There are myriad factors that could explain these things ... what I am asking for is this: a study that shows on average white people convicted of the exact same crime were given significantly less severe sentences. I thought that was clear (not being sarcastic).
  6. I was not looking for a definition but a system. Criminal justice is fair. No pun intended ... but is there a reasonable study done that shows in clear black and white the average sentence for Crime X led to Y sentencing for African Americans and Z sentencing for Caucasians? Please trust me, that is a genuine seeking to understand request and not an argument disguised as a question. I do not doubt it, but a lot of those conversations get fuzzy with trying to compare crack vs. power cocaine and other types of stretches. Now, one could argue both sides of that particular coin and not really interested in that here; but am curious if there really is an apples to apples comparison.
  7. Yes. A co-worker's husband was convicted of murder. I was close to the co-worker, and I had met the husband a few times on couple's dates and work events. I cannot believe the case already has not made Dateline - it definitely is "Keith worthy."
  8. I've been asking for about a year if someone can tell me a system that's racist.
  9. Here's your participation trophy. #millenials https://www.cms.gov/files/document/se20015.pdf
  10. I am not going to pay $38 to buy the actual study, but the Orlando Sentinel story is a perfect example of today's lazy, agenda-driven journalism. 1. It assumes that deaths must also follow models without consideration for causality 2. We at least read that covid panic caused many to forgo other medical care as well as the increase in suicides, domestic violence, etc. So one might argue that covid panic not covid drove the delta. Causality is important. Guessing the average grievance study major does not understand correlation vs. causality much less p-values.
  11. Read the text of the bill sweetheart not the summary. And learn what the word "dumb" means. It makes you seem stupid. And for the record, I find your texags/QAnon conspiracies endearing and entertaining.
  12. And I agree and did not feel the need to go into every single aspect. Said another way, one may legitimately believes his feelings reflect reality; however, that does not mean they do. For the first time I'm very pessimistic about ever being able to re-center around anything resembling some sort of objective truth and reality-based conversations. We can debate tax rates, environment, defense, and immigration, but we cannot debate if we cannot even agree on what is a tax. Concurrent with the media and influencers completely abdicating any desire to promote fact-based information and social media's inherent talent at pouring gasoline on the worst instincts of tribalism, not sure how it's possible to return to adults talking.
  13. https://www.hhs.gov/coronavirus/cares-act-provider-relief-fund/general-information/index.html
  14. "White Supremacy" is this year's new undefinable all-encompassing bogeyman for everything I don't like.
  15. There is a lot competing for the Top 10, but gender reveal parties have to be among the worst new trends.
  16. Would given hospitals and extra $5K to attach covid to an ICD-10 provide an incentive to over- or undercount deaths related to covid?
  17. This is a perfect illustration of the tension between Enlightenment-rational and Romantic-emotional ontology. I've been trying to explain that to one of my old friends who has gone completely wack-a-doodle. He genuinely believes what he feels is "truth," i.e. a fact, as opposed to what he simply believes to be true. That underscores a lot of why we talk past one another. When an Enlightenment-rational says "the sky is blue" that is because objectively, according to the scientific method, it is blue (as generally defined by the culture). However, to a Romantic-emotional, it is "blue" only to the extend that the viewer feels that it is blue.
  18. Nothing could sum up the cloak room any better.
  19. This is why the world has never experience such a group of highly educated people that are completely misinformed. If 2020 showed us anything, it was the Establishment's skill at completely shaping public opinion via misinformation. Even back to 2016 arguable half the "big stories" have been complete disinformation campaigns. Unfortunately, if you read much of shit-throwing chimps on the other board they have no idea they keep getting lied to. Only in 'murica can a largely fabricated propaganda win a pulitzer and be used to indoctrinate little authoritarians.
  20. Fuck you for making me go to the regard forum and read that entire, stupid story. It does not feel real, but the pictures of the post-iceberg are convincing.
  21. John Wick was fun. Agreed started to lose it during 2 & 3 with the fantasty-universe stuff ...
  22. Funny ... like overturning our current president's signature legislation: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/422517-trump-signs-criminal-justice-reform-bill
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