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  1. Eat a Dick traitor 

  2. And what the fuck do you think you would do? And, sincerely, thanks for your service.
  3. Nope, not mad. Just calling it as I see it. For all our sakes, I hope to hell I'm wrong.
  4. You fucking Democrats stole an election and you expect everything to be fine. You support BLM and Antifa. It was ok while they were rioting, looting, and killing. Not one word of condemnation. Now yiu get butthurt. Well, you wanted control and socialism, now you got it. Don't bitch about it when it comes home to roost.
  5. I guess I'm glad they won, lol. Their only loss was against Hamlin.
  6. It's Auburn. Who the fuck knows?
  7. What could go wrong--part two.
  8. What could go wrong?
  9. Evil Lives Here.
  10. I don't remember what the deal was 'cause I wasn't watching, but they took the TO to avoid a 10 second runoff.
  11. 22 yard field goal as time expired. With a girl kicker.
  12. You forgot the "Geaux Tigahs."
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