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Everything posted by happyhookem

  1. Where does the line start?
  2. All the chops Jimbo got and Kansas didn't have to pay him 7.5MM/yr guaranteed for 10yrs. Advantage aggy.
  3. Any streaming, since Cox decided to take LHN off in Baton Rouge?
  4. 5 loss team. They lost twice today.
  5. You left out aggy. Oh, wait, they're not a power.
  6. Something should be done with the BH's riding into Beverly Hills. I haz the no talent, tho.
  7. See, that's the thing. You kids burn with an intense, all consuming hate that burns hot, bright, and fast. Crap and I burn with that intense simmer that is built over many years. It burns like a motherfucker for one week in October then is banked until the next time. It's a very satisfying heat that keeps you warm in those times that it actually gets cold in Austin. Oh, and love the cake.
  8. This. And this.
  9. What is this about? I don't want to go back a bunch of pages to see if I can find it.
  10. Everyone in those pictures look like they could benefit from a good ass whippin'. Somebody call Zack.
  11. I'll donate one dong. Mine. To all the mothers you assholes talk about. BTW, I'm down for the tree fiddy.
  12. The bottle finally broke.
  13. I thought this was hammster's dream job. How the hell did she beat....wait, nevermind.
  14. Bilbo looks like the guys on either side of him are shoving a corn cob up his ass.
  15. You mean R-U-N-T-O-F-F.
  16. Real Army to aggy: "That's OK. We're good."
  17. I think you mean they guard a rusty bucket full of semen.
  18. Tireiron? Who names their kid Tireiron?
  19. Caribbean Queen. You know what I mean.
  20. The only melt that will rival that of aggy is when Karen's personal roller coaster derails when Jimbo gets his shit pushed in by the rest of the sec.
  21. Imports.
  22. Does aggy have a hog recruiting coordinator or do they gravitate there on their own? Maybe Hammster should apply for the job.
  23. Yeah, like when mine ages it just gets green and fuzzy.
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