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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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  1. Could be. Just a side observation from someone neutral that reinforced my thought that Lando is actually an entitled cunt with one race win in 5? seasons that can throw shade on Hamilton.
  2. I watched with a family friend that’s a competitive mountain bike and BMX racer that has participated in podiums. He agreed the exchange with Hamilton was bad but the champagne spray on podium was particularly bad. For him to bypass Piastri and go straight for Hamilton - he considered it a major asshole move.
  3. I look forward to this every year. It’s a great shoulder check during off season doldrums. Educating and entertaining. And we’re off to a good start, paraphrasing: “Let’s first revisit the Big 12. Apply sanitizer, put on plastic booties, and try not to step on anything regrettable.”
  4. Expect some conflict. I was at a Supercharger recently and a Rivian had to take up two spots, as they charge from the front. I didn't give a shit and struck up a conversation with the owners. They also had a Tesla but preferred the Rivian as it was more "luxurious". Looked like it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out if Dipshit doesn't accelerate the Supercharging station team rehiring. Especially long haul stations where spots are at a premium.
  5. Indeed. Top 10 maybe 5 for me. Complex, wildly entertaining and the best music soundtrack.
  6. Their interviews are great. This one as well. I was hoping they’d ask the blocking technique for an undersized guy so focused on the craft. Seems like they’d get blown apart more often based on their opposition.
  7. My two aborted posts above brought to you by business dinner cocktails and fat thumbs. Highway Star sucks, as does Deep Purple. My older brother dragged me to a Blackmore’s Rainbow concert when I was around 13. Even then I knew Since You’ve Been Gone was baby puke. The only redeeming part was when he destroyed a Fender on top of a tower of amps. Manfred Mann is awesome. As is Alan Parsons.
  8. Thanks for taking the bullet. I turned it off after 5 or 10 minutes assuming what you described is exactly what it would be. Embarrassing. Streaming services need content, throw it against the wall.
  9. Hail Mary based on lack of info in the thread but we’ll be at a friend’s house in Ibiza for a few days in July. Also bouncing around other islands on a boat. Any recs for middle aged couple while teenagers go clubbing appreciated.
  10. We’ve used Navigare Yachting a couple of times for a cat charter and liked them. They’re a large international charter company with BVI presence, average boats, but there are other local charter companies with access to different (and often bigger, better) boats. Google will load you up with options. Pro tip. Spend a little more for a bigger cat - 50 feet plus - and food and booze are included. Below that it’s often not included and you’ll have to stock up before at the local ridiculously expensive provision place. We’ve found it to almost be a wash.
  11. $2/sf PY sounds absurdly low, but as other have said need local comm broker to weigh in on that. i can say the 10% every 5 is very common for a corporate real estate ground lease. Most Fortune 500 insist on it if they are on the lease (leveraging credit guarantee). However this was before recent inflation spike so that term may have loosened up.
  12. This is my favorite streaming show. As a city boy I get to learn about the difficulties of farming, while also laughing with the occasional dusty room. Well done Clarkson.
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