Fight fire with fire. I live on a city border where SFR looks at MFR. A few years ago some stoners rented the apartment facing my daughter's bedroom. They'd blast music all hours of the day and scream at each other to have conversations over the music. After a few confrontations I said fuck it, and parked our car right in front of their balcony, lowered the window facing it down, turned on a hard rock channel full blast, and went too bed. Funny part was the car was almost out of gas and parked on a hill, so when I went to restart it in the morning - nope. So I'm out there filling it up with a 2 gallon gas can and I can see then peeking out the blinds at me like I'm a serial killer. I just smiled and waved.
Let the owner know this is what the future will be, and his reviews will whither. If my parking car routine doesn't work for back yard shenanigans, invest in some speakers and do the same. Short term add some white noise machines for the kids rooms, maybe some ear plugs, to get through the couple of times you need to do this until the owner gets the fucking message.
In no way should you have to move because of a dickhead owner.