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Mach 1

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mach 1

  1. I don't give a shit about their past. I give a shit about their now. They're getting my money, After November I'll reconsider.
  2. They've expanded and doing very well. Early on they'd be surprised to see a guero pick up lengua tacos, now they just give me a nod.
  3. Hits close to home. Just had a few lengua tacos that were off the charts.
  4. Fight fire with fire. I live on a city border where SFR looks at MFR. A few years ago some stoners rented the apartment facing my daughter's bedroom. They'd blast music all hours of the day and scream at each other to have conversations over the music. After a few confrontations I said fuck it, and parked our car right in front of their balcony, lowered the window facing it down, turned on a hard rock channel full blast, and went too bed. Funny part was the car was almost out of gas and parked on a hill, so when I went to restart it in the morning - nope. So I'm out there filling it up with a 2 gallon gas can and I can see then peeking out the blinds at me like I'm a serial killer. I just smiled and waved. Let the owner know this is what the future will be, and his reviews will whither. If my parking car routine doesn't work for back yard shenanigans, invest in some speakers and do the same. Short term add some white noise machines for the kids rooms, maybe some ear plugs, to get through the couple of times you need to do this until the owner gets the fucking message. In no way should you have to move because of a dickhead owner.
  5. Thanks for the recommendation, this was a great movie. Zombie stuff is played out for me, but they did a good job of taking a different tack. Couple thoughts: the little girl is a very good actress, and the homeless dude if IIRC was also in Snowpiercer. And yes, the end hit the feels.
  6. Since the lockdown, I've been to the airport 4 times to pick up friends and family. Each flight landed approximately an hour earlier than scheduled. My anecdotal observation is that normal air traffic adds an hour to a trip. That seems like a lot. Maybe Surly pilots can opine.
  7. Can't recall what we used, but it only lasted 10 years. The HOA had to redo it recently.
  8. I'm a developer with a focus on contemporary architectural projects. Had a project about 10 years ago with Corten steel spec'd out, but it just wouldn't pencil (and was probably too heavy for the cantilever anyway). Instead we overlapped sheet metal squares, hosed it down for a week to get a good rust going, then sealed it. Voila, faux Corten Steel.
  9. Got into a fight at a frat house party and pushed a douchebag through a window. As he went through my instinct was - bad idea - grab him. I tried but grabbed jagged glass. He fell 5 feet without injury, unfortunately. Pointer finger cut badly at the base. Off to ER, new overnight MD takes a look and says, All Good, sew him up. Wrong. Went to a hand specialist after a couple of days who looked it over and said, with alarm, "Who treated you at the ER? Your tendon is sliced." Scheduled surgery for next day, pulled my tendon up from the lower part of my hand, where it had retracted like a rubber band. Hand now looks like Frankenstein, as they cut back and forth looking for the tendon. Still can't bend my pointer finger because of the scar tissue in the tendon track. I show it to my kids often as dumb shit that can happen with the combination of alcohol and youth.
  10. China's (fuck you China, wet market bastards) wealth and impact on the world economy is startling when considering they were a complete mess in the 1960's, after the Great Leap Forward. 60 fucking years. That's all it took for them to go from that to where they are today. I understand dirt cheap labor and a hard core centralized communist government helped it along, but JFC, 60 years is an incredibly short time for that transformation to happen. If they can do that, what major transformation are we looking at in the next 60? Random thoughts/
  11. Got an air fryer for Father's Day. Ribs are on the smoker, but my kids were excited to watch me use it. Fuck me, I have no idea. So I Google and look around the fridge and I find that my wife has randomly purchased falafel from the local farmer's market. What the hell, roll some balls, fry em up and put them in a wrap. Surprisingly crispy and actually tastes fried. Interesting cooker. Will experiment further.
  12. And the Inverse Proportion Award in Quality of Song to Quality of Video goes to - this.
  13. Seems like a good, level headed discussion of how we've come to this point in time. We need more shit like this across the board.
  14. Just wanted to bump this. I've been doing this since the post and it fits to thread title perfectly. Upper/lower body becoming much stronger and more defined. Core much stronger and defined also, but alas, the slight layer of gut fat still remains. Probably the drinking, because I'm eating very well. Anyway, highly recommend this intense but simple whole body, home workout. I mix in some runs now and then and it's taken a lot of pain out of my knees.
  15. That dumb bitch is a perfect representative for this administration: fake, dismissive, immoral, and a shameless liar. Still would in a pinch.
  16. Got my tranny back from the rebuild shop. Minty fresh. I considered just replacing the oil and gaskets and tossing it back on the block, but when I tried to remove the speedo - nope. The metals had fused together and there was no chance of removing it. Bad sign, so I sent it in. Good thing. Builder said the clutches were completely trashed. Live and learn, no shortcuts in a restoration.
  17. Has he ever reacted negatively to a song? Looking at his catalogue he has a WIDE variety of music. I bounced around and he seemed to even appreciate a few songs I hate. Be interesting to see him dismiss a song as shit.
  18. I thought it was great. Not what I expected going in. Spike can surprise with his talent.
  19. I've only seen his Zep videos on here, but checked out his Youtube and this one just went up. Always liked this song. And he is awesome.
  20. Checked out Space Force and it reminded me of a nugget from the past: Wife: (la dee da voice) Saw someone famous today. Me: Oh yeah, who? Wife: Can't remember his name. He was in that weird movie awhile back, something like Looking for John Malkovich, or something. Me: That would be Being John Malkovich. Wife: Whatever. Me: The name you're looking for is John Cusack. Wife. (thinks about it, shakes her head) No, not him, the other guy. Me: (long pause) John Malkovich? Wife: Haha, yeah, him! (Goes on about her day as if that was normal)
  21. Mad Max Fury Road The movie is absolutely insane. And I loved every fucking minute of it. They hit a home run in building, and improving, on the insanity that was 1980's Road Warrior.
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