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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mach 1

  1. Another* on the ground video. Speechless, it's all gone. * Same as above just clearer
  2. Devastating. Been going to Kaanapali with my family every year for 20 years. Absolutely horrific for local homeowners and business, heartbreaking. I pulled this off a timeshare website, on the ground footage that is truly apocalyptic. Banyan Tree trunks appear okay. https://m.facebook.com/groups/stolenstuffhawaii/permalink/3538316846430969/?mibextid=Nif5oz Not sure why it won't embed, link seems to work.
  3. Ah c’mon you’re being silly. We’re a fan base that wants MACtion every week. There are some weird and wonderful matchups in the new Big 12. Sign me up.
  4. Probably in the minority but I’m looking forward to future Big 12 games. It’s so random based on history of each school. I’d prefer it stay within geographic conferences, but the interesting games to watch, for me, were teams that had no history of conference play. Big 12 will deliver a lot of that. That’s said, fuck em.
  5. Thread title reminded me of this old Onion article NEWS IN PHOTOS Area Man Has Asshole, Old Navy Written All Over Him PublishedAugust 23, 2000
  6. I shit you not I’m at the Westin Michigan Avenue bar. Three young guys in suits drinking next to me and I hear “between Austin and San Antonio.” Ears prick up. “Fuck it, I buy it and park RVs on it until time to sell.” Some more discussion, obviously one dude from Texas. Wondering if I should ask about his San Marcos interest. Check comes, they leave, I read this thread. mindblown.gif
  7. Saw this yesterday, seems to be a trend. Hey dumbass, just change your plate instead of continuing to call attention to your bad decisions.
  8. JFC this a bit. He’s throwing shit on the wall and screenshotting for his MAGA buddies. Just stop.
  9. I’m 13 pages in and already laughing: 1) if your husband decides to take a trip to Thailand to “think through some stuff” 2) If resentment is drinking poison .. then the rest of the B12 is in a perpetual hemlock happy hour. Well done. Streaking meteor in the back mirror from the Uhaul. JFC. I’ve purchased all of these just to keep on top of where we stand with position groups and future schedule team. But the turn of phrase is worth the price of admission.
  10. Fair enough. My posts were meant to be bigger picture but must not have landed. Carry on.
  11. You may be right. But this a community of Longhorn football fans looking for informational water in a sea of a 15 year desert. If they get some side show bullshit from Elmo or whatever disinformation political bot that infects that information, I’ll trust the intellect of MOST people here to suss that out and eject. I think you’re tilting against windmills; grab back your humor my man.
  12. Hey can we stop the dog piling on Anastasis. I don’t agree - or sometimes even know what the fuck point he is trying to make - but let him make it without the barrage. He adds to other parts of the site. Maybe he deserves the vitriol for some views, but JFC when someone loses their sense of humor in response to a Chooky post, I think it’s time to for everyone to back off. @Anastasis chill out, not everyone that disagrees is brain damaged.
  13. Ate the Ironworks all you can eat lunch buffet and passed out for 24 hours in a pregnant meat nap.
  14. The best show currently on television or streaming or what’s the difference any more. First season was about a restaurant with the involvement of broken people. Season two about broken people opening a restaurant. Both were great. Merge them moving forward. I did a double take seeing Donnie Madea in show. Dude is the ultimate host. When I lived in Chicago in the late 90s we were at Blackbird every weekend and he was always gracious. Good for him.
  15. As a born and raised Texan living in California the last 20 years @Incredulity take on CA lawlessness and horrible quality of life makes me laugh. So dumb, yet not surprising. I love it here and find it amusing that someone is scanning the internet to say SQUIRREL! when they find something to tell me or someone else why the shouldn’t. Look in the mirror.
  16. Michigan fans were awesome at the Rose Bowl. Talked friendly shit and congratulated me and drunk friends after the win. They were in awe of VY. Yeah may have to make that trip. I’ve been to Ann Arbor on business but I’d like to experience that stadium. I was surprised it wasn’t vertical but mostly below ground. Must be a crazy environment.
  17. I’ve met her a couple times IRL. She’s a well camouflaged pro. Bezos strikes me as a guy that never had the early life experiences to suss that out. Mercy on his soul indeed.
  18. @Goredho there was a passage in The Road that left a similar impression on me as the one in Blood Meridian: The marchers appeared four abreast. Dressed in clothing of every description, all wearing red scarves at their necks. Red or orange, as close to red as they could find ... an Army in tennis shoes, tramping. Carrying three foot lengths of pipe with leather wrappings. Lanyards at the wrist. Some of the pipes were threaded through with lengths of chain fitted at their ends with every manner of bludgeon. They clanked past, marching with a swaying gait like wind up toys. Bearded, their breath smoking through their masks. Shh, he said, Shh. The phalanx following carried spears or lances tassled with ribbons, the long blades hammered out of truck springs in some crude forgery upcountry. The boy lay with his face in his arms, terrified. They passed two hundred feet away, the ground shuddering lightly. Tramping. Behind them came wagons drawn by slaves in harness and piled with goods of war and after that women, perhaps a dozen, some of them pregnant, and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites, ill-clothed aginst the cold and fitted with dog collars and yoked to each other.
  19. I read most of No Country alone at night when my family was out of town. Chigurh was so disturbing I had to put it down and take a break. Even on paper that character freaked me out.
  20. IIRC immediately following that incredible sentence was this reaction from the Army officer in charge: My God
  21. I hear you. Unfortunately he doesn’t as he apparently has you on ignore. Listen I agree I’d never do that fucking surgery. I like working out and being the master of my domain re: my food intake. But people are different, so do whatever works to stop being fat. I’ve always assumed people that do the surgery want a kick start to get the heavy shit off quick then transition into a more exercise/diet friendly lifestyle. Who knows. I haven’t gone over all the back and forth but your messaging was probably meant well but delivered poorly. Get in line with the rest of us assholes that do the same.
  22. I’m mostly in your camp on this, deal with it via diet and exercise. But if someone chooses a different path to fix an urgent need, no need to second guess them. Do whatever works for your personal situation.
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