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  1. Whitehead was a freak athlete in high school (and btw he's playing great despite his injury) Level 1... his family has $ but they aren't even close to the 1% dropping huge donations to the school.
  2. Why not kick the extra point? Holy $hit is Franklin disabled?
  3. good job planning ahead. in 2016 our group waited around and headed to the game later than we should have. uber driver couldn't speak english and drove the wrong way for 30 minutes. missed the entire 1st quarter.
  4. 4thand5

    UCLA @ Colorado

    no way colorado can run the table? i have not watched any of their previous games and only had this one on in the background. they just seem like a team that will go 8-3
  5. 4thand5

    UCLA @ Colorado

    pac 12 is ass. so glad we didn't end up in that hell hole.
  6. How long until Serena calls it quits? I can see her AT least playing until 2020. She has zero form this year and made two straight slam finals. I bet she sticks around two try and beat courts record.
  7. Never forget the day the legend started
  8. Is the sellout streak ending this season?
  9. I have bad memories from the 2007 game. Bad weather, jordy nelson ripped us a new one, and that was the first time I had ever seen the horns lose in person (was like 12 or something at the time).
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