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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by texifornia

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fud said:

    Did you catch Barton's "he was MVP but wasn't anything special" begrudging half complement re yesterday's camp?

    Jesus, what did Roschon do to that guy? He's overruling even the aggy guys with that stupid ranking.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    I'm not going to hope that Wilson does well if he signs with Ohio State. That just strengthens arguments for Urban and coaches like him when they come into Texas and try to poach elite recruits.

    I only want a kid's football career to go tits up if they go to aggy, OU or Baylor. Otherwise I just want us to win and make the rest of it all moot.

  3. I didn't think it was petty - it sounded honest. I'm sure a publicist would iron that out if he had the resources, but it's not like he's wrong. I honestly hope he does well.

    And lol we'd make the same graphic if we had a similar track record of pulling Ohioans. I hate to say we'd do something aggy would, but that Arizona graphic was pretty great until it all curdled under Sumlin.

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