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  1. Looks like some of the aliens from The Fifth Element.
  2. No kidding. Imo Klein is an average OC. Solid, boring, not going to elevate your program in any way, but probably won't hurt your program. Compare aggy's offense to Texas' offense. QB, WRs, RBs. No comparison.
  3. Thanks! Any ideas on tours in/around Munich? Or just walking around ideas?
  4. This has Pulitzer written all over it!
  5. Going to be in Munich mid-October 2024 for a week. Any recommendations? Side trips? Thinking about Mad King Ludwig's castle, Dachau, Eagle's Nest, Rottenburg....
  6. From what I've read, Whitman had a brain tumor, knew something was wrong with him, and tried to get treatment. Fuck off with putting him in the same category as McVeigh.
  7. Agreed. Lol at the Missouri Synod. The only Lutherans more bat-shit crazy than them is the Wisconsin (WELS).
  8. This is such a glorious picture: the whiteness of it all, the mumu effect combined with the morbid obesity. Talk about looking like Homer Simpson in that one episode where he fats out.
  9. Knowing Tim he probably bartered w/ the store owner & got the turkey in exchange for shoveling his driveway in December & helping him put his dock back into the lake on Memorial Day weekend. Lol. But that's A LOT of work for one free turkey.
  10. I'm a big fan of most things Minnesota. Just spent 3 weeks there on vacation. Nothing against Texas (the state) but Minnesota just seems so much more normal and not bat-shit crazy when it comes to politics. I hope whatever wave this is also takes out some Texas GOP politicians.
  11. Imo, nothing will flip a bunch of Trump voters. They are pretty much a lost cause, electorally speaking. And probably a lost cause in many other areas: decency, respect for democracy, oh, and the truth. But I'm hoping that Walz solidifies all the rest, the non-cultists. Let's get back to politicians being (mostly) decent people who work with the other side.
  12. I didn't think that Walz was a good choice a couple of weeks ago. Nothing really to base that on, just a feeling. And maybe he looked old, which is why I thought Beshear might have a nod. But Walz brings so much positive dad energy that appeals to the non-cult crowd that KH/TW is now Team Normal. It's about time to put this depressing Trump era behind us.
  13. A bit pedantic, but I remember a book that I read some years ago (Innumeracy, pretty good, by a mathematician for the general public) and he (irrc) said "you know, there are fractions that are greater than 1". So if by "fraction", aggy means 27/4, then yeah, I agree.
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