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  1. Not in the back. You're getting stabbed in the front. You're just too stupid/ignorant to know it.
  2. Sorry to see Bregman go, but basically fuck him. At his age the Astros would’ve been fools to sign him to a contract longer than 6 years. Maybe even fools at 6 years. Or maybe it’s all Boras’ fault. Maybe Bregman will put up killer numbers thus year. If so, good for him. But I doubt it.
  3. Somewhere Ryan Leaf is sitting back with a Natty lite thinking, "See? I'm not the biggest football fuck-up!"
  4. Like a puck to the face!
  5. I hope he turns it around, gets the help he needs and all that, but there are some people who can't be helped. They don't want to be helped. Not everybody wants to get better.
  6. Asithappens


    Mukuba's immaculate interception and Bolden's fumble recovery in the end zone against ou are my two favorite (so far) plays of the season. Incredible plays, incredible teammates. Hook 'em!
  7. Yep. Earlier in the game my wife was calling him Skattabohoo. But he did an outstanding job.
  8. Today I became an Illini fan.
  9. I don't think ASU will score much more than 20, if that. But I'm ok if the Horns win by "only" 3. Texas right now reminds me a bit of the old saying "slow is smooth, smooth is fast". Other than playing against Georgia, the Horns just win. Maybe not by as much as we'd like, or as pretty as we like, but they win. And if the other teams think they can hang with us because we only beat Vandy by 3, then by god, let them think that. Because they can't hang with us. Hook 'em!
  10. It's glorious over at texags. lol Someone posted that Elko is a Golden Corral buffet coach on a Ruth's Chris budget. I mean, he does look grotesquely obese and aggy sure does spend (waste) a lot of money on incompetent coaching staff, so they have a point. aggy will never stop being aggy. Glorious.
  11. "Hollowed". Love it. Is that like "all hat and no cattle"?
  12. This is about as good as it gets. Great coaches, great players, great culture, great school, great city. Enjoy!
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