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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. Yep. It was a blanket posting but it sure as hell wasn't ignorant.
  2. She's a whole lot more right than wrong. Just look at what's going on. The Republican Party is dead. It no longer exists in large part b/c Republicans can't be bothered to do the right thing.
  3. I bet it is. Moscow Mitch is still extremely butt-hurt over Bork. And he has a point on that.
  4. If that's a real photo, then so be it. If not, it just gives Trump and his dipshit followers more ammo for their "fake news" mantra.
  5. She's pretty good. Imo, she's a lock for the next Nobel Peace Prize. Unless Trump wins it, b/c a lot of people think he should.
  6. I don't necessarily disagree with this, but imo the Dems need to focus on winning the next god-damn election. Impeachment? Maybe as a moral act, but as a political act it's not going to go anywhere, imo. And Kavanaugh? Whining about him just hurts the Dems. Jesus, Dems, grow the fuck up, get a clue, and win the next election. RBG herself praised Kavanaugh. Let that one go for god's sake.
  7. Which means not that dumb and possibly not racist at all.
  8. All the dipshits who get so butthurt over this just show the moderates that the left really are a bunch of woke morons.
  9. Yeah. I don't get this. Calling him a pos is worse than donning brown face. This is getting stupid. And on NPR the journalist said the party attendees were "appropriating" costumes. Give me a fucking break. These are the same dipshits who got on Paul Simon for his appropriation of African music. Fuck them.
  10. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but Houston deserves a better coach than that smug, arrogant, clock-management-retarded prick BoB.
  11. I missed this. But clone is sitting pretty during a temporary positive football run. Hawks will always rule that state.
  12. The Dems need to let Brett go. Don't go for impeachment of Kavanaugh. On the plus side, he hasn't been an ass-clown for a while now. It all comes down to voting in November. Put your guy in the WH.
  13. Number one with a bullet?
  14. So, planet of the 12 monkeys with radioactive smallpox coming to get us? I for one welcome our new overlords.
  15. If Jesus came back and saw what was being done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up.” “What if the worst is true? What if there's no God, and you only go around once, and that's it?
  16. BoB has to go. This may can be good under his "leadership", but it won't get much better than that.
  17. I don't know what Beto is thinking. First, run for the Texas senate seat, not Pres. Second, this dumb comment probably assured you wouldn't win that seat. He's basically yesterday's news. Of course, with the Dems, yesterday's news is also tomorrow's news.
  18. Lol. But... Thompson does look good. I think his future is bright. In the meantime let's win with Sam.
  19. It looked impressive. Will it accomplish anything? I hope so, but will it?
  20. You said it had no effect. To which I called bullshit. Now, if you want to argue minimal, that's another thing.
  21. Gotta call bullshit on that. No effect? Not even some effect? Bullshit.
  22. Don't forget the other "S" coach: Sandusky.
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