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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. I thought we were talking about this year?
  2. thanks for the clarification. I'll strife to do better next time. But I think we both agree that this scenario just underscores the incompetence of the Texans organization. This team deserves better.
  3. Top 5? I doubt it but hope you're right.
  4. Watt could be done for. He's what, 30? He wasn't as good last year as he was in prior years, and in the opener he did nothing.
  5. The Texans couldn't franchise him b/c Clowney got wind that he was to be traded to Miami so he refused to sign the contract, iirc. Maybe the Texans wanted to franchise tag him (which I think is true) but they fucked it up. Clowney called their bluff and basically threatened to sit out a year. The Texans panicked and sent him packing to Seattle for a pittance. PLUS, the Texans are paying about 7 million of his salary this year. Yeah Texans!
  6. That's not really the problem here. The problem is the front office effing things up with Clowney, screwing up a trade, and getting little in return for him. The incompetence of this organization exceeds all bounds.
  7. The Texans lost. The team isn't bad. The coaching staff is bad. Fuck BoB. BoB won't get fired until the team loses more and more games. Take the pain. Get BoB out of there.
  8. What? Bolton had convictions. He favored a stern approach in foreign relations. That is not to be confused with dignity.
  9. No shit. I bet they are advocating that Trump replace Pence with Ivanka.
  10. That may have been the case. It is no more. 40% of US corn production goes to ethanol. There's really nothing vitally strategic about that, other than being another government handout to the farm bloc. Another 30% of corn goes to feeding animals (cattle). We don't need to consume that much meat. Overproducing high fructose corn syrup doesn't ensure everyone has something to eat. The farmers are complicit with all this shit going on. They brought it on themselves. Maybe they need to do their "patriotic" duty, go bankrupt, so we can get farmers who aren't such dumb shits. Our ag exports to China were about $24 Billion in 2014; last year? $9 Billion. We have lost, as a market, the most populous country on the planet. And you're talking about strategy? Come down from the ivory tower and look and how Trump and the farmers are fucking themselves over. There is absolutely no strategy at all going on here from the Republicans.
  11. Exactly. Farmers are probably the biggest welfare queens on the planet.
  12. Locked in? Probably not, but fuck those farmers who all slobbed Trump's nob. Trump made no secret about his trade war, and the farmers still voted for him. And if the farmers really gave a shit about passing the family farm down they wouldn't have voted for Trump in the first place. Reap what you sow, farmers, there's a shit storm on the horizon and you deserve everything you'll get.
  13. I can't believe that the Texans were better with Rick Smith. Hell, prop Bob McNair's corpse up in the corner suite and that would do a better job than BoB
  14. Jesus, fucking BoB is the Donald Trump of football operations. Fuck you, BoB.
  15. You didn't specify, but I'm assuming you mean those margins were "very small" (as opposed to just "small") because FARMERS were voting Dem? (as opposed to most of the state voting Dem with the farmers voting heavily for Trump)? Is there data on that? I'd like to see it.
  16. Maybe, but I doubt it. The farmers will by and large, imo, still vote for Trump. They may complain about him, but they don't have the balls to actually vote for a Dem.
  17. So the Texans will have 1 first round pick during a four-year time frame? Good thing we're all set, then.
  18. But wouldn't that all the more reason to try to negotiate Tunsil's contract? I agree that all they did was make public what everyone already knew: that BoB is a fucking idiot and this franchise isn't going anywhere with that assclown in charge of anything.
  19. Another peeve of mine wrt farmers and all the other Trump dumb shits: so.. it's "ok" to go bankrupt for Trump b/c it's the right thing to do, the patriotic thing to do, and we need to stop letting China push us around? To the tune of how much? We have effectively lost (or drastically reduced) our exports to THE WORLD'S MOST POPULOUS COUNTRY. Our ag exports to China were like $24 billion in 2014, and $9 billion in 2018. Is this a business or not, farmers? Cuz you're really fucking stupid. But back to my point.... So it's ok to shoot both your feet off for Trump and to stand up to China, but it's not ok to fund something like "medicare for all" b/c it's socialism? Jesus Christ. This crop of farmers is the dumbest group of businesspeople in the history of the country.
  20. I stand by my description as this guy being Ryan Leaf 2.0. Hell, he makes Leaf look good.
  21. Love this show. I'm about 2 episodes into the second season. I have some nits to pick, though: 1. I think "they" did a poor job in attempting to portray Holden as changing (for the worse) during the last few episodes of season one. It seemed to me that he was pretty much the same and the others were clueless (relatively speaking, of course). And the whole panic attack thing in season two felt forced. 2. Kick that bitch Wendy to the curb. I think she's little more than a rat fink. She's corrosive, imo. 3. Love Tench. That actor is great. 4. Holden needs to gtfo of the FBI. This whole shit is poorly done, imo. He is "ratted" on to OPR by Tench (maybe rightfully so), Wendy doesn't think much of him (or at least treats him as something stuck on the bottom of her shoes), and it turns out that he (Ford) is responsible for Shepard getting canned? Fuck that. Ford has absolutely no future in the FBI (imo, and up to about episode 2 in season 2). The FBI prioritizes procedure over results, for the most part. Ford doesn't fit their mold.
  22. I think the UK is on the verge of falling apart.
  23. Are you familiar with the concept of expected value? And you do sound like a salesman. Nttawwt.
  24. L O Effing L. You stick with Trump, pal. Now get your ass where you belong, the aggy board.
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