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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. Ok, last time I darken this doorstep (for a bit, anyway). When my wife was getting her master's, she had a prof (big time) who was married to a guy (another big time prof, one of the first historians who use statistics and was elected to the NAS) and we were at a gathering at their place, they had a piano (kind of Woody Allen-ish) ,and I noticed that the sheet music was Scarlatti. This has become possibly my favorite classical music after Bach.
  2. I was a sophomore (iirc, at most junior) in college and my girlfriend's (at the time) roommate was going to head off to UW (Wisconsin) for law school and for some reason this song reminds me of her. The one who went to law school, not my girlfriend. It also reminds me of Council Bluffs, but that's another (tangential) story.
  3. You're not that guy. I am that guy. Team Angus. Make some t-shirts. I'll buy one.
  4. Anybody see the show "Almost Human"? Quite good, imo, but alas, didn't last long, There was an episode, brilliant (again, imo) that had this song incorporated into the scene. Whoever was responsible for this is very gifted. Along with "Freaks and Geeks", "Firefly", "Almost Human" really deserved a second (and more) season. Thus endeth the lesson.
  5. You think? Not to flame, but I don't at all. Do girls have to register now? They should. It's interesting, imo, we have way too many out-of-shape kids who can't serve, but then warfare has turned a lot to drones and robots. So do we really need young, able-bodied cannon fodder?
  6. Talking about signing up and all, we really (as a country) need to lose some weight. How many young people are too fat to qualify for the armed forces? Weigh [sic] too many.
  7. I expect this bullshit from Boulder, not from Fort Collins. (disclosure: I love Boulder, UC, and Moe's Bagels, and the weed dispenseries there). Grow a pair (of balls), get a spine, get thick skin, use whatever idiom you want, but jesus people, if you're so fucking scared of mere words then you're gonna have a bad time. Don't pizza when you should french fry. (aside: I love Colorado State. Went there recently visiting an aunt/uncle and the student union gave out free New York Times. Free. New. York. Times. It's like I died and went to heaven. I still can't believe it. Thanks, Auntie Joyce
  8. AOC can be, and I hope she is, but I hope that she is a "legitimate", broad-based player, not some fringer that mostly appeals to the dipshit crowd. She has potential, and I hope that she realizes it. She has some growing up to do, imo. But we live in strange times.
  9. Well stated, even if coming from an Iowa Stater (Go Hawks!) I don't care for her, either. She (and AOC et al) need to be more judicious in their comments, be more sensitive of what's good for America (imo), in short, they need to grow up. As does the Dotard in Chief. Oh, if we could only have a Berkley Bedell back in House. Fuck Steve King.
  10. That's why you're a giant among the rest of us. We need more like you.
  11. Other than not meeting their quota, not much. Budget cuts to the Defense Department budget? Taxpayer savings?
  12. Again, thanks for your service (seriously), but "so no one else had to"? Really? That's a movie line, not a real life line. People volunteer for the armed services for a lot of reasons: vocational, to do something for 4 years, to actually engage in warfare. But to think that by volunteering you're saving somebody else from "having" to do it (and in a volunteer army....) is a bit much, imo.
  13. There was a news story fairly recently where some (woman, iirc) wanted to enact some kind of reg/law that would require gender neutral pronouns, or something like that, then about 5 minutes later she started using the "wrong" pronouns.
  14. Uh, no. I'm talking about Berkeley, you know, the topic of this thread.
  15. More virtue signalling from hypocrites. It's this stupid shit that helps Trump.
  16. Buying a used car and going to the county tax office with the seller. What do I need to do? What does the seller need to do? Will the seller keep the plates? Just do what the tax office says?
  17. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but we're not in the draft. If you were "forced" into the armed forces and got injured/disabled that's a little bit different than if you volunteered. There should be some medical benefits and things like that for disabled vets (obviously), but free tolls? Homestead exemptions? Come on. People need to stop suckin' at the gubmint teat so much.
  18. Another vote for this show. Just finished the latest season (3). Very good, imo. And it has some great, strong female characters.
  19. Wanting to "get what's yours" isn't just a lower socio-economic minority thing.
  20. I don't know about that. Filming it and putting their racist shit on blast may be the safer thing to do.
  21. Yeah, the guy (in that post) comes across as a lunatic.
  22. Look, thank you for your service, seriously, but where does the entitlement mentality end? There's nothing about being a disabled vet that should exempt them from paying tolls like the rest of us: those who served but aren't disabled, those who teach, those who teach in underserved areas, those who go into the ministry, etc. Pay your tolls and you won't get hit with a big bill (assuming the toll authority doesn't fuck up). It's like (Hazelton act, iirc) where not only service members but the dependents of service members (or something like that) get free tuition. Why the dependents? I'll probably get negged, but the entitlement mentality (as it applies to this aspect) is bogus.
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