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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. Trump should tell SCOTUS to fuck off and that the Franklin case does apply. Would the emasculated Supreme Court do anything? What does the Magic 9-Ball say?
  2. The only way to rid us of this scourge of dipshit republicans (and mitigate the power of the likewise dipshit evangelicals) is to vote. That's it. Vote. Do it.
  3. That's just not true. At all. At least if you intend to make a blanket statement that applies to all companies who defraud the public. I mean, really? Or do you mean by "go out of business" they close up shop and open up under a new name?
  4. Against. No matter how good the intentions of reparations may be, it would amount to just a welfare payment of sorts. The same problems will exist. Reparations will fix nothing. Imo.
  5. The states have basically stopped funding it. Well ok, not stopped, but cut back a hell of a lot.
  6. A bit of an update. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/27/well/live/hpv-vaccine.html?searchResultPosition=1 tl;dr Get the gotdamned vaccine. Researchers reviewed 40 studies of HPV infection in 14 high-income countries, with data from more than 60 million people followed for up to eight years after vaccination. The study is in The Lancet. They found that the prevalence of HPV 16 and 18, which cause most cases of cervical cancer, decreased over the period by 83 percent among girls ages 13 to 19, and by 66 percent among women 20 to 24. Infection with three other high-risk types, 31, 33 and 45, decreased 54 percent among girls 13 to 19. ******* “HPV infections, the cause of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions, are significantly declining in countries with high vaccination coverage,” said the senior author, Marc Brisson, a professor of epidemiology at Laval University in Quebec City.
  7. Or more likely NRA TV is dead because the NRA is dead, or at least without a soul. The NRA has about as much connection to hunting now as the SPLC has to poverty. Or law.
  8. Maybe you need to lead group to change the law then, comrade.
  9. Private loans can bump the undergrad debt load over that amount, so yes, some (albeit few) undergrads may owe that much.
  10. Ok, I'll bite. Why don't you "need" to run 2 different pics? What's really got you up in arms? It sure isn't this.
  11. Is it? Is it really? The #1? Not one of the top 5, but the absolute #1 reason? I guess you may have some data on that, but even so, why are they running out of money? Immaturity? Poor financial acumen? Not going to a less expensive school? Even a juco? Yeah, the student loan debt issue is bad, but give me a break. The whiny victim mentality gets old. I bet about half of those kids (and their parents) just plain made some bad choices. Like, you know that billionaire who paid off those student loans? (Robert Smith/Morehouse). There was one of those students on an NPR show and the he had about $200k in student loans for an undergrad major in Finance. Let that sink in. Has it sunk in? Now, my point is just how in the blue fuck does it make any sense to go into that amount of debt from a school like Morehouse? Nothing against Morehouse, but it ain't Harvard. To me, and it's just my opinion, but anybody who thinks it's ok to go $200k in debt like that does not have good financial sense.
  12. You are good at seeing the trees but seem to miss the forest.
  13. Maybe it's just me, but when I read that I envisioned a large (fluffy?) black woman loudly proclaiming "You don't know me!!!".
  14. 21 year-olds fall into that category, too. As do 30 year-olds. And 40 year-olds. And 50 year-olds. And 60 year-olds.
  15. Um, pay the extra $100/200? Really?
  16. I love Will, but he's kind of a dumb shit at times. First, he has no idea what an "education" is. Second, I'll let you figure the rest out.
  17. I'd rather have a state income tax than our bullshit property taxes.
  18. We can. We just don't have the balls.
  19. https://giphy.com/gifs/please-upvotes-ken-xR2SI8vqfQMLe
  20. Do you really think that's a good idea? I sure as hell don't.
  21. And AOC (et al) are correct. There is a wealth transfer to the student loan companies when that money could be going to things like mortgages and other sectors of the economy.
  22. Here's the obvious answer: they have to pay massive loans back because they took out massive loans. So why did they have to take out massive loans? 1. Maybe they didn't. Maybe they made sub-optimal choices. Go to a juco then transfer in. That saves money. 2. Maybe they picked a bad major, i.e., one with limited earning potential. 3. Maybe they went to an expensive state school, especially if you went to an out-of-state public university. 4. Maybe they went to med school at good old State U. 5. Maybe they went full retard and went to law school at State U. 6. Life is just unfair. If your parent lets you take out "massive" loans while still going to a state school then they have failed (somewhat) as a parent. Especially if you majored in something like liberal arts.
  23. The obvious one is that anyone who had to take out loans to pay tuition/fees at a public university shouldn't have had to do that. That's just absolute bullshit. Back when one could go to university for $6,000/year there were still loans. Low-cost gubmint loans. To say that one should never have to take out a loan just b/c they went to a public university is absurd. Make the loans a reasonable amount (which will entail much more public funding) and a reasonable i rate. But to say to they should never have to take out a loan at all? Ever?
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