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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. Not that I would do it, but that bitch needed to be body slammed. Tebow style.
  2. Rather just wasn't on the frequency that most conservative Texan listened to.
  3. Probably only this (WSJ): As he faced defeat, Mr. Netanyahu successfully pressed parliament, known as the Knesset, to change tack to avoid allowing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, a rival, to invite another lawmaker to form the government. But in doing so, Mr. Netanyahu’s supporters likely won’t be able to pass a law giving him limited immunity from prosecution before a pre-trial hearing in October on potential charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. That could expose Mr. Netanyahu to a corruption trial if he becomes prime minister again.
  4. Not all cops are bad, of course, but the best thing for the public to remember in the back of their mind is that the police are NOT necessarily there to help you. If you ever get arrested, do what the cops do: no poly, no statement, no waiver. DO NOT SAY ANYTHING. As the Miranda warning says, "anything you say CAN and WILL be used AGAINST you." Nothing you say will be used FOR you.
  5. Vote these mofos out of office (yeah, I know McTurtle isn't going anywhere, but it starts with the Cheeto in Chief). Like Letterman said. Stop complaining. Start voting. Vote!
  6. Am I the only one not surprised that Indiana got hit with God's wrath? Pence's gay vibe has finally angered the almighty, it seems.
  7. I read Lance's book (the first one?) and what I got from that is that he is a world-class grudge holder and basically a sociopath. The guy has deep, unresolved issues. Grow up, Lance. But he probably couldn't have achieved all he did unless he had a raging justice boner to prove his worth. He's one fucked-up dude. I wish he would be a better person. Really. He could be so much more as a person.
  8. Wrong, wrong, wrong, imo. He is despised not because he cheated, but because he tried to personally destroy the lives of some of his detractors. And he may have infamy more than fame.
  9. That's interesting. One would think that Trinity College would have verified/examined Wolf's dissertation, assuming she had some of the same crap there. I guess that school has really gone downhill since Newton, and since Hawking died.
  10. That's a big thing to change, imo. I don't really blame Lance for doping/cheating. I do blame him for attacking his detractors and ruining some of their lives. In that respect, Lance is borderline psychopath. It seems pretty clear he's a sociopath.
  11. Really? Well then, I guess we need to call The NYT, WaPo, and The Economist propaganda rags as well. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/04/world/middleeast/gaza-rockets-israel.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/gazas-homemade-rockets-still-stretch-israels-sophisticated-defenses/2019/05/06/2ca3a46a-700c-11e9-9331-30bc5836f48e_story.html?utm_term=.78b7dfcb4392 https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2019/05/11/israel-and-hamas-come-close-to-war
  12. Which propaganda rag is that?
  13. Where's your video of Palestinians shooting rockets into Israel? Or are you not "fair and balanced"?
  14. Her self-righteous ship sailed a long time ago. She's a joke, imo. Her high point in life was when Harold Bloom found her fetching.
  15. What do you think Trump has the A/C set to, you know, being he's kinda fat and all? 70? 68?
  16. I'm catching up on Westworld. I like it, and think it's better than Game of Thrones. The sentient cybernetic/host things is pretty reminiscent of the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica. Very interesting, imo. God probably fucks with us in the same way.
  17. That pic ( of the woman in the orange shirt) cannot be real. Tell me that it cannot be real. Tell me that it is not real.
  18. Lol. I will be polite and suggest that you reconsider your post.
  19. This is fucking awesome (the pics of your workplace, not your dick that looks like Megan Fox's thumb). What do you use for A/C?
  20. You know, the Texas Rangers (the real Rangers, not the baseball team) was basically formed to kick brown ass.
  21. Ok, you don't even have to pay me for this advice: PBS NewsHour Anything BBC CBC Just fucking think when you consume your news.
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