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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. Jesus, is the op a fucking retard?
  2. Well, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Huckabee's are anti-vax, so a pox would hit them hard.
  3. I don't think any college/university does the "fail out" thing anymore.
  4. Well, it used to be that we had a president who wasn't such a blatant piece of human shit. It used to be that the Republican party had some decency. It used to be that the public had their head out of their ass. Not saying that this applies to you, but if the shoe fits....
  5. What a disgusting piece of evanglical shit. Sadly, this describes way too many evangelicals today. They've sold their soul to a false orange god.
  6. Full disclosure: I'm for Mayor Pete. I think he has substance. Not saying that Fallon doesn't. Also not saying Fallon is a raging alcoholic.
  7. Stupid and deplorable. Hillary was right about one thing.
  8. NSIAP, so, a murder of crows investigation?
  9. Yeah, today (imo) is all Paul Revere and his Raiders.
  10. I was just out in the Bay Area. The roads were excellent.
  11. I know a student who was approx 180/600 in their graduating class and not only got into CS as a freshman major but then got into EE. So, weird things happen.
  12. I don't think waiting the perp out a few months is the best move by the prosecutors if they want a guilty plea. Put the pressure on now for an immediate decision. And as far as the person not feeling what they did was a crime? Lol at that. You go on "feeling" whatever it is you want to feel.
  13. She doesn't have the guts to do that.
  14. Prosecutors, however, recommended six years. In prison. Maybe Aunt Becky can get a Persky-like judge?
  15. Maybe Olivia Jade turns out to be the smart one in the family? Which makes Loughlin very, very, very stupid.
  16. Aaron Persky says "what up, bro?!?!!".
  17. Well said....
  18. I can see maybe two ways: 1) she's clueless about the consequences of her mail fraud/tax fraud actions, or 2) she's just milking the publicity like any other starlet. While there may be a number of ways to take it, none of them are good in connection to her court proceedings, imo. Again, compare her actions to Huffman's.
  19. True. I also remember when most Americans weren't obese and dressed better and listened to better music and we didn't have the internet to control our minds.... Get off my lawn!
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if it's twice that long.
  21. Lol. Texas is a great state but there are far too many ignorant dumb fucks here. And the ignorant dumb fucks seem to vote similar people into state office. This is just Texas being Texas.
  22. Your misunderstanding (ignorance?) seems to be very intentional. Equating Tennesseeans to the Loughlins is quite the stretch. Also, Loughlin has already acted in what most would describe as an arrogant and haughty manner (body language in court, signing autographs before the hearing) which was in marked contrast to Huffman.
  23. Agreed. However, there were (still are) millions of deplorables.
  24. Then why call it a fib?
  25. Mormons are a cult. Belong to a cult and what do you expect?
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