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Everything posted by Levi

  1. With the canon and George, I think he made it like Star Trek where they were separated from his original ideas but he tried to keep the continuity there when it was possible. At the end of the day, it was always George’s call. With Ki-Adi-Mundi, he was in three films and was in the clone wars. I believe he was a part of an important Genonosis arc. Everything else was outside of George’s scope more than likely. They’re obviously going a step further with his line from TPM and having him there adds to the mystery right now.
  2. I wonder if they will keep the part of his lore that he was allowed to have like 6 wives due to his species having low birth rates.
  3. Post in plain text, guys. It’s not that hard. This also seems very convincing.
  4. It’s 8 episodes. Thats a lot to pack in. Also, we can’t forget about what Maul said to Papls in episode 1: “At last we will reveal ourselves to Jedi, at last we will have our revenge.” So this series is putting both the Jedi and Sith in a conundrum from what we learned in TPM.
  5. It’s going to be him and we’re all gonna be like this
  6. I guess you could say there were a couple of important character moments but the show hasn’t done a good enough job for me to care about any of characters, so this episode feels meh at best. Neat last 30 seconds tho.
  7. My message wasn’t directed at you. I was adding another angle to your overall argument of agenda driven criticism outside the scope of story, writing, dialogue ect…
  8. Hamilton had 4 of the 9 stolen bases tonight for the Red Sox. Insane
  9. At the same time there is a small but just as loud contingent of fans that automatically assume someone is racist, bigoted or whatever for not liking something, and it’s not because of a show that happens to be diverse. The fan base has a small and loud subset of groups that like to go at each other and make a mess of the fandom as a whole. I don’t believe this is only a SW problem. Every major franchise deals with the same issues. One of the big reasons I like this thread is Surly has a stern unwritten rule to keep political opinions in the cloak room only. You’re simply not going to get that on large social media sites. I think the thread and other SW threads on here do a good job with staying on topic. Maybe we’re also a good representation of the cool majority of the SW fandom.
  10. A fat Jedi? May I remind you of Beldorion Hutt. He eventually turned to the dark side too
  11. Wasn't really excited with the matchups coming into the CWS but we have seen some fun baseball so far. 3 straight walk offs, great plays being made left and right, and even a player hitting for the cycle.
  12. I think they should have went straight to Kylo being the singular bad guy after Snoke. We’ve never seen a Skywalker or a descendent of the family be the ultimate leader of the opposition to the rebels. All we heard of to this point was something to the effect of “join me and we can rule the galaxy together”. Driver has the acting ability to make Kylo go really dark, or more conflicted than Anakin was. He ultimately redeems himself in the end like his grandfather before him (its like poetry, it rhymes), the Skywalker saga comes to a close and Rey starts all over with a new Jedi order.
  13. The 6th and the 8th innings will haunt Florida.
  14. The stuff you can make at home might be something fun parents can do with their kids.
  15. TFA is good if it’s the first SW movie you’ve ever seen. Then watch the OT and realize JJ did nothing original and completely wasted our time with 3/4 of the film. For me personally TRoS will the ultimate cannon travesty. How the fuck do you bring back Palpatine and ruin Anakin’s entire chosen one arc? The Acolyte might be doing something similar to Anakin.
  16. The Witt and Cole roles were given to guys like Southard, Harrison, and then Morehouse towards the end. His expansion was minimal imo. He just simply had a sophomore slump and couldn’t find the zone or leave the ball down. But I digress. We are clogging a tournament thread with a good game on.
  17. Please don’t Bert. I have blocked that play out of my memory.
  18. Right but the point being he never got close to his 34 appearances, and 9 saves. We wanted his role to be around the same as is freshmen year. He was our primary closer but pitched more than 3 outs a handful of times. Teams adjusted his sophomore year with a larger scouting report. The result was more walks.
  19. Sure, “will never sniff again” would have been better but completely dismiss any counter argument from me and others about development.
  20. What about Nixon? He played amazing his first year, slumped his second year then what? It’s hilarious that because one player has a good year away from Texas, you want to point to it as Pierce sucks at development. There are plenty of players under Pierce that have developed year to year. Pierce wasn’t Belicheck developing guys but he wasn’t terrible either. Also, you last point makes no sense when Daly has been to the WS 3 times, 2 of which were under Pierce.
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