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Llewelyn Moss

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Everything posted by Llewelyn Moss

  1. Tulsa’s a fine town. Though the Fudrucker’s closed, I think, so might want to avoid.
  2. Bacon does not necessarily improve a burger.
  3. Everybody I know who’s eaten at their restaurant has said the food is good. But the wait is looooooooooong. If your wife is a fan it’s likely she already knows this and y’all have a strategy in place. One other thing is that this week is spring break for OK schools. Will most likely increase crowd. I’ll be interested to hear your review of the food/experience. My wife likes her stuff but hasn’t pressed for a visit.
  4. The Doritos in a purple bag, Sweet Spicy Chile or something like that, slam and go hard
  5. Thank you gentlemen. Bodacious it is.
  6. I’m going to be in Lindale visiting family later this month. Have time to visit either Bodacious or Stanley’s. Which would you choose? I’m guessing I’ll be fine either way. I’ll be able to try whichever place I don’t make it to this time, in the future, but not sure how long that will be.
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