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Llewelyn Moss

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Everything posted by Llewelyn Moss

  1. Not that anyone gives a rank fart, but Meyers calls New Orleans Pelicans games. (I occasionally hear him on the 10-minute YouTube highlight clips I watch, which is mainly how I follow NBA games.) And I agree, he is 100% awesome along with Lapham. Hearing those guys immediately reminds me of some early 2000s random beatdowns of Baylor or Kansas with those two on the call for Fox Sports Southwest.
  2. Same exact experience for me
  3. Now I also have a new favorite player
  4. I got it, it’s worth it. Peace of mind alone, but your point about changing a tire on the side of the highway vs. the driveway is big one. Plus if they ever ride with someone whose battery dies, etc, then your daughter can still use her AAA to get help. You made a good decision. Plus it does help with some rental car and hotel discounts. I just got a AAA discount with Hertz for a weekend traveling with a rental car that paid for a couple months’ of AAA.
  5. Okay, off topic but genuine question because it’s been 2+ decades since I played football. Does “helmets and shoulder pads only” just mean no thigh pads? Because I know they don’t wear knee pads anymore, and I haven’t seen hip/butt pads in years like we used to. I understand that helmets-and-shoulder-pads-only also speaks to the level of contact in practice but I’m asking more out of curiosity. Because on Saturdays it looks like they effective play in helmets and shoulder pads anyway. back to on topic discussion
  6. I’ll take one for the Surly team and report back
  7. Llewelyn Moss


    “Walk-on gets a scholarship” always warms even a cold, empty heart
  8. Do I think Ian Boyd and Scipio Tex mix like oil and water on the EGAT podcasts? Hunnerd percent. Do I think Randy Boone is a great Longhorn with lots of insight about baseball? Hunnerd percent. Do I think Scipio and EGAT would benefit from any other regular partner besides someone who agrees with Scipio a hunnerd percent of the time and regularly compares Longhorn football to his Yoakum High School experience ? Hunnerd percent. Do I still listen to every EGAT episode? Hunnerd percent.
  9. 100% the shears. Our pair is over 20 years old and will still cut through bone. You might consider buying multiple pair to give as gifts.
  10. Man was not made for defeat
  11. Back in HS I would destroy the CiCi’s buffet and then it would destroy my anus
  12. I’m new to football—is that good?
  13. Pate may not understand A&M’s place in the CFB universe but he is good people
  14. Loved Nadel’s call…”Rangers fans, you are not dreaming!”
  15. I’m in tears too…genuinely thought I might die without seeing this…what a ride! Texas forever
  16. If you didn’t like the DP shake, I don’t think you’ll like the WCR. Both shakes just take like a vanilla shake with more sugar.
  17. You lose credibility when you say stuff like OU played SMU as a true road game.
  18. Chelsea Market is one of those places that gets recommended a lot for tourists and is actually a good idea, IMO. Lots of cool/good options for food and fun to wander through. Then you can take a walk over to the Little Island and/or take a walk on the High Line. Both are unique public parks worth a visit.
  19. We could probably make that work for her, and I’d enjoy it. I can look online for some standards but am open to places you’ve enjoyed and would recommend.
  20. Anywhere interesting you’d go for a birthday dinner if you also had to take a 10 yr old whose idea of branching out is the sandwich rather than the nuggets at CFA? She’ll eat meat and potatoes but otherwise not adventurous at all. Whereas I’d prefer to go to a great omakase meal if I could, for instance. Should I just go to one of the Danny Meyer restaurants (Union Square, Grammercy Tavern) and call it a day? They seem to have kids items or kid friendly-ish stuff. I know this has been asked a dozen times but just casting my line into the waters here.
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