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Everything posted by 64coldasfire

  1. The dude has hands!
  2. We gotta stay hydrated
  3. Poooooorrrrrrr aggyyyyy
  4. Not sure if this was posted, but what’s the status on Brandon Fields? I saw he committed to us but he’s not on the roster.
  5. Cant get a defensive rebound to save your life.
  6. https://twitter.com/Phillips_17/status/1610096637132640257?s=20&t=3IOWas573z7SUKv1oX3LbA
  7. With Odo coming back, do we move Urquidy to the pen? Javier back to the pen? It's a good problem to have with McCullers looming as well. The way I see it is to move back to a 6-man rotation with Verlander, Valdez, Garcia, Odo, Javier, and Urquidy. Option Bielak to AAA. And, once McCullers is back, move Urquidy to the pen.
  8. The last NL team to no-hit the Yankees: Astros The last AL team to no-hit the Yankees: Astros
  9. NY fans yelling "Fuck Altuve" chants while he hits a homer is the best feeling in the world.
  10. I feel like I just witnessed a game 7 loss.
  11. Mistake on my end. I just remembered the Seattle game where he gave up 2 runs.
  12. Neris has lost his touch since the suspension. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays
  14. Same. Im constantly refreshing..
  15. I thought it was Auburn?
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