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Everything posted by Bregs

  1. The butthurt is strong with this one. Your Arlington tears are delicious.
  2. Have to be honest here. I kinda want her to win, just to see you all lose your shit. Honestly, who the fuck cares?
  3. really curious about what's going on here.
  4. Any update on this? Mine will be going on Sunday. The lack of transparency is pissing me off.
  5. Pretty sure that's in reverse. Reverse cowgirl?
  6. Final Four: Mathdaniel Squirrel, Lowell Snorf III, Courvoisier Dingle (14 seed?) and Rembertus Beerepoot. Going with chalk for the champ in Mathdaniel Squirrel.
  7. What was the 6th game that we won?
  8. Guys, enough with the jokes. OP made a simple mistake. BTW, do y'all have any recommendations for Spring Break vacations within driving distance from Austin? Not Big Bend.
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