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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. I think what most of us had hoped for at the beginning of the season was a chance to be fucking horrific. They’ve come through brilliantly. Wemby, Scoot, Accessory to Murder…it don’t make a shit. Hopefully it’s one of the first two, though.
  2. It’s officially dead. Fucking Netflix. Too expensive.
  3. I, for one, celebrate the acquisition of Westbrook for the Clippers and look forward to this decision torpedoing yet another season for Kawhi Leonard.
  4. I followed Mitch’s lead and did some research on this Elsa Jean character. Man, the Spurs sure have attracted some assholes lately. And by assholes I mean people of low character, not Miss Jean’s asshole which I’m sure could fit most of the Spurs players at the same time.
  5. Great points. I guess it bothers me that every time I’ve ever seen the dude, either on the court or off it, it feels like an actor playing a character. It’s fucking weird. I’ll shut up now.
  6. Lebron is fucking fake. I didn’t know this was up for argument. Every single aspect of his life is calculated. Is it wrong to want authenticity from a public figure?
  7. Pretty much sums up Lebron’s career.
  8. One of the great mysteries of any athlete in the history of sports is how that dude became the pussy ass bitch he is today based of one coach’s press conference.
  9. This has got to be the first Surly user to NBA owner connection we’ve had here. Ask him if he’ll fund a plane ride to Cleveland for us to shit on Dan Gilbert’s lawn. Make sure the request is in comic sans.
  10. It’s Phoenix. They’ll find a way to fuck this up. Good for Kevin though.
  11. I’m pretty sure you can remove “if” from that sentence.
  12. This is going to end horribly, and I’m here for it.
  13. Do you have the video where you yell “Fuck Kawhi Leonard” and start swinging on the four Clippers fans who showed up to the game?
  14. Goddamn, the Grizzlies are corny.
  15. The Doors after Jim Morrison died.
  16. https://www.poundingtherock.com/platform/amp/2023/1/5/23541393/spurs-celtics-trade-noah-vonleh-gorgui-dieng
  17. Just when we got a coach that everyone knew would take us into the stratosphere, he’s a goddamn wife beater. Allegedly.
  18. It was obvious. How many did they win again? How many championships did ol’ James hang in Houston/Brooklyn/Philly? He’ll always have that series win over the Spurs in 2012, though.
  19. Jumped like the earth was flat.
  20. Yes, because if there’s one thing James Harden has proven is that he can be trusted to be a better player in the playoffs and not choke when the moment gets big.
  21. I’m conflicted about this. He’s a singular athletic talent, the likes of which are rarely seen. He also has a limited shelf life. He’s on that Derrick Rose trajectory. Hopefully he can cash in before the inevitable decline hits. I worry every time he jumps.
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