True in so many ways. however, if there is one sumbitch who needs a good horsewhipping. I just can't get past his ways. When the old man died, he stole the insurance policy(it wasn't much but still) and the car(2000 Monte Carlo). It wasn't the money but stealing from your family(younger siblings who could have used something) and talking trash about them. Especially when the old man didn't trust you to take him to the doctor or get his medicine. He and lil bro were locked up in the county for a couple of weeks at the same time and he basically shitted on him. That's fucked up. And worth a knock upside the head.
Now my little bro got himself right. Got his CDL, got married, and is a model citizen these days. But this clown is still struggling. So he is probably trying to get some money.
Family joke because we were born in the same year and favor each other. Remember, my biological wasn't shit. Growing up I thought I had a sister, who was 3 months younger than me. Then, I found out she was actually 3 months older than me LOL She was in San Marcos while I was in Austin, so we got to hang out then.
The biological couldn't go to her wedding because the man who raised her knows who he is and would have had some very serious questions. Hell, I went to the wedding as a close friend of the groom. And I swear he was eyeballing me all night(people say I look like the biological). All things considered, we have a great relationship and see each other 3-4 times a year, and talk all the time.