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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. The Gas line insurance mob is stepping up the threats.
  2. "It kind of felt like a formality, as I’d been a part of the family for more than a year at that point. Since I was already over the age of eighteen and considered an adult by the state of Tennessee, Sean and Leigh Anne would be named as my “legal conservators.” They explained to me that it means pretty much the exact same thing as “adoptive parents,” but that the laws were just written in a way that took my age into account. Honestly, I didn’t care what it was called. I was just happy that no one could argue that we weren’t legally what we already knew was real: We were a family." If his first book is true, then he knew he wasn't 'adopted' but was now legally part of the family. Sad that they couldn't work this out in private. They all probably have more money than they are fighting over.
  3. I'm definitely enjoying this lover's spat. They both deserved to have their names drug through the mud.
  4. I think we are at the point where both sides may be playing loose with the facts and doing fuzzy math.
  5. I will not be mowing anytime soon.
  6. Traffic. More people equal more cars. Traffic in Houston is crazy already. And it's not like we have any realistic public transportation. And if they did attempt public transportation, it would be another useless train that circles downtown. We'll just end up with a 20 lane Katy Freeway and more toll roads. All of which won't be finished until 2150, at the earliest.
  7. People who feel the need to virtue signal needlessly. Kudos for you going save the little starving pygmy children. But you don't need to bring it up every day. And if the pygmies being grateful is not enough of a reward, then you did it for the wrong reasons. I ain't kissing your ass.
  8. Do you keep any in the house for emergencies or in case of the SHTF backup? Like, you would have to go to the ATM of a natural disaster?
  9. Free nights are your friend. Especially in this heat. 68 from 10 to 6. Didn't even bother changing it when we left.
  10. @Gatorubet First, let me say that I love my mom and aunt very much. I would not be where I am today if they hadn’t pushed and sometimes kicked me forward. I was raised to be proud of who I am, what I am, and how I am. So this is going to sound worse than it should but I believe the world will be a better place when one if not both of these women have moved on. The older they get, it seems like the more mean, vindictive, and petty they get. They have been outright feuding since my grandma passed in ’97. Hell, I had to break up a fistfight just days after she passed over the damn obituary. They have argued over trivial shit like quilts, wash pots, and second-hand appliances along with the land and money that was left. For instance, my grandma bought her house in the late ’70s. (I still remember going with her to clean houses in River Oaks when she was saving money for the house.) As the story goes, my mom chipped in an extra $10k - $12K(from a work injury settlement) with the understanding that if the house was sold she would get her down payment plus half of the house back. However, none of this was ever written down or recorded. When my grandma gets sick and wants her Medicaid, she doesn’t want the house/land in her name. Well, my mom doesn’t want the whole half in her name because she is getting SSI for my sister. So they come up with the ‘great’ idea to give a third to my Aunt. So now Auntie has 2/3 of the house/land and mom has 1/3. So everyone is happy, right? Hell naw!! The lesson here is don’t be greedy. Don’t sell your soul for a jelly roll. And put shit on paper! Late ’96 after I left UT my grandma started getting sick. So my mom, who wants to run everything starts managing her doctor visits and such. She would take off work and drive to Houston to take my grandma to the doctor. Now according to my momma, her sister didn’t have time or care about her mother. So I would have to drive from Dallas to Houston to take her to the doctor when my mom couldn’t get off. Well, when I talk to my Aunt I get a totally different story about how my mom wants to run everything and dictate instead of coordinating with her sister on doctor visits. And the frustrating thing is my aunt stays right behind my grandma. I could hop two fences and be in her backyard. So why am I driving all the way to Houston? Why am I driving all the way from Dallas? After I talk to my mom about this, she moves my grandma to the country with her. So now she controls Grandma and her money. Which sets my aunt off. Now when my grandma passes, my aunt decides that since her sister has never been ‘fair’ with her(whatever that means) she is not going to be fair now. Each accuses the other of stealing stuff out of Grandma’s house. When Grandma passes she had about 30+ cows. My mom decides that they are now her cows, mostly because she(me) has been taking care of them for the last 10 years. But she still thinks she should get all of her money for the house in Houston. So after the fist fight, we (stepdad and me) try to make her understand that she needs to negotiate a deal where she takes the cows and gives up the down payment. No dice She even did some sneaky shit like change the brand on the new heifers. But she won’t budge on the money. So Auntie just moves into the house and says F it. It’s my house now. Mind you she already has a house in the country about a football field away from my mom. Now while my mom is the asshole in the majority of the story, my aunt just does shit to antagonize her. And it all goes back to when they were kids. Because my mom sided with Grandma in some argument. Or did typical big sister shit. You are 70 years old and holding on to some shit from 55+ years ago? You’re mad a sickle mower that sat in the field for 30 years got sold? If you wanted it, why the hell didn’t you take it? My grandpa had a 54 Chevy truck that sat in the field for over 30+ years. You only cared after it was gone. The wash pots that she complains about were in the same barn that my grandpa built. But she never cared about any of that until the last 20 years. And she has admitted to me and her son that owes my mom the money. But just refuses to give it to her. She has gone so far as to say that she will give it to me when my mom dies or in her will. I told her, I didn’t want it like that. That’s chickenshit. It's at the point that I refuse to be around her unless it is immediate family because she will start bringing up all that old shit. It's like why are you talking about your sister/my mom like that in front of people we don't know? And she loves to tell the story of how my mom made me kill my two dogs because they broke into the hog pen. Yet she forgets that my grandad(her dad) did the same thing when his hound killed a chicken. Meanwhile, my mom sits around and mopes about money that she screwed herself out of. We had a temporary cease-fire back in 2016 until my aunt got pissy over a quilt that belonged to my stepdad. She saw Mom’s dog laying on it and just started bringing up the old shit again. I mean we can’t even have a decent family holiday anymore, because of them. Then they get mad that we exclude them. I’ve come to learn that it’s always something. They will never attempt to solve the issues because then they won’t have shit to complain about. If you fix the problem, you can't fuss about the problem. I have suggested that they divorce completely and just enjoy peace of mind. Anything that your sister’s name is on, needs to be taken off. But neither one really wants that. I do not understand how two people who do not want anything to do with each other, will not take the necessary steps to fix the issue. I can't stress enough that their houses are basically a football field apart. If you sit on the porch you can see/hear the other person. I get drawn into more it than my aunt’s son because he basically just refuses to deal with either one of them. I'm always in the country so I just carry the burden. But we both said the same thing today. My original plan to was to buy an equal amount of land from each of them and build a house. But thankfully my wife talked me out of that. We ended up buying our own land separately so we will never have to deal with their crap. So the latest issue is that my aunt thinks the field should be mowed. I gave her the same advice that I gave my mom when she was complaining about the horses, put a fence up. And just like her sister, her first thought was not about what benefits her but how it benefits her sister. That is the ultimate in pettiness and just overall ignorance. I passed the message along and of course, momma give the whiny speech about doing it so she doesn’t have to hear her sister’s mouth. Now normally, I would mow the pasture(did it last year) but now I have my own to mow, plus a wife and 2 kids. It usually takes about 3-4 days of straight mowing to get it done. And that’s less time for my family, just so those two idiots can be happy. Both of them have their own tractor, but neither wants to solve the problem. I’m headed to Virginia in the morning, I don’t care. Figure it out. To me the most frustrating part is looking at them now is not how they raised me. The whiney-ass, it’s not my fault shit is something I couldn’t get away with growing. They both taught me to accept responsibility for my actions, accept reality and live my life. So to now watch them act so chickenshit is kind of sad. Last thing: I watched my aunt give her son shit today because he missed her birthday. Never mind the fact that he had to work(and told her beforehand). She talks about this man like he is the biggest disappointment ever. This is a kid who basically stayed by himself for the last two years of high school. And did nothing but go to school! I used to call him and get on his ass because he wasn't partying! The man stayed out of trouble, graduated college on time, got married had kids, and is probably a member of every organization you can think of. I'm so proud of that boy, but his momma gives him shit like he stole $5 out of her purse. I hope my sons turn out half as good. He's 9 years younger than me so he is still learning that it's not about him. But more about her failures.
  11. And her sister might be even worse(with her son). I've got a shitty family post to share one of these days.
  12. Ms. Biff gets a prepaid debit card or low-limit card that Biff controls for the girls' trips.
  13. Tried that already, she just likes being ornery. Besides, when she calls like that, she really doesn't want anything. It will be for something like where is the tire pressure gauge? When it's serious she won't call. Last March she fell off the porch and fractured some bones in her neck. She just sent me a text that she fell the day before.
  14. [quote post="5404308" timestamp="1690504229" name="BearSchlong" userid="398" the other dad showed up with an envelope full of Benjamins and my beef with him was why couldn't he just zelle me like an adult.
  15. If it ain't Natty Light, it ain't right!
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