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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. Brothahorn

    Getting old sucks

    Glad to hear that. You have my sympathy and respect. I lost a couple of inches just reading your post.
  2. We have a Costco card but no Spotify. I still download movies, books, and music(unless it's something for the kids). I just can't bring myself to pay for that stuff anymore.
  3. So, is the roster and staff set now?
  4. https://www.amazon.com/TOLUCKS-Organizer-Accessories-Cellphone-9-2x6-5x2-1/dp/B07D3S8MCR/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1D1WBC37YZKCY&keywords=car+pockets+between+seats&qid=1688320568&refinements=p_72%3A1248861011&rnid=1248859011&s=automotive&sprefix=car+pockets%2Caps%2C145&sr=1-7
  5. I like everything but signing Brooks. Especially for that much. You talk about culture and bring in that clown? He's another one of those circus idiots. He cares more about the show than actually winning games. And when he can't back up all the shit-talking, he will run and hide. Great attitude for the young guys to learn. On a team with some already questionable characters, you bring that clown in? Just a f'ing circus.
  6. And it's not just Yeti or Taiga. Freaking Coleman and Igloo are selling $300+ coolers. I finally gave in and bought a $100 igloo for the family(wife). But I haven't used it or cut the tags off yet. It might go back.
  7. Did you eat/drink half of your wages?
  8. So why not offer 2 for 30? That's still better than paying him 42/yr. Right?
  9. Remember the fun times walking in or out of the building with all the smokers hovering by the door? By the time you make it through the gauntlet, you smelled like you had smoked half a pack.
  10. I cannot believe how expensive coolers have become. It's ridiculous. You have to spend more than some folks make in a day if you want something decent. Damn.
  11. Brothahorn


    I always tip at the cupcake place even though I probably shouldn't. All they did was put 4 cupcakes in a box. But I guess they share it with the bakers.
  12. Is the VRBO quality significantly better? Thinking about using it when we go to Virginia.
  13. It probably just left her house. And how is a stray cat getting inside the house?
  14. Do any of you Humble/Atascosita folks need 5 roommates?
  15. That's why you synch it to your phone.
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