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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. Tyreek is going to end up like Antonio, isn't he?
  2. UPS told me I had a package that was arriving Wednesday that I ordered Sunday. I check the details and see that only a label has been created. Wednesday morning still showing arriving on time. But no additional movement. Thursday morning, it gets updated to Friday delivery. Today, I get a message that the damn thing got missorted to Abilene.
  3. Why the fuck are you wearing a Titans jersey to a game between the Ravens and Chiefs?
  4. That would have been smarter than hiring Rivers.
  5. The first one in line at the post office, and they open in 11 minutes! Ballin!
  6. Can you be a good owner when you pass on Morris to hire Smith, and then pass on Belichek to hire Morris? And if McKay is allowed to make these dumb moves, that's not exactly what I would call good ownership.
  7. Close to 10 years of marriage, 2 kids, sometimes working 2 extra jobs so she can spend more time with the kids, and little shit like making sure her vehicle always has gas but I've been told that peeling an orange for her is a sign of love. We don't argue very often, but I came close to telling her to GFY.
  8. Old boys retread club continues to do its job. Side note; listening to Todd Haley on NFL Radio is hilarious. IIRC, his backstabbing, incompetent ass got ran off his last job. But somehow, the program director thinks Todd can give us valuable insight on how to win. All he can do is tell us what it's like to suck, yet still keep getting good jobs.
  9. That shit makes no sense. Yeah, let the GM hire the other coaches and see how that shit works out.
  10. I hope the Ravens beat the fuck out of KC. Tired of hearing about those bitches even before Ironing board ass came along.
  11. Just like the old NBA, the best shooters are already in the pros. I hate dumb smart people. I had to send 3 different emails just for A/P drone to tell me that the rate confirmation doesn't match the information we sent them. You stupid bitch, you could have just said you needed an invoice with the correct heading 2 months ago.
  12. That's very fat-ist of you. Big girls need love too. Although I don't think it was just the big girls that killed them.
  13. He really needs to win something. So he can be funnier. If Kalen spanks his ass, he should just move in with Pa at Boca Del Vista.
  14. Oh, great, more insurance commercials coming.
  15. What the hell is he wearing?
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